My position on going to court has always been: never voluntarily go to court. Live men and women are not meant to be in any place designed solely for the business of fictional entities. When we attend court, we are deemed dead, in fact, they cannot deal with us until we admit to being dead…. a legal fiction ….a trust. Court is for titled persons: judge, prosecutor, defendant, bailiffs, cops, and attorneys. Live men and women are not recognized, so it makes sense to send in a dead person––an attorney––to handle our cases …. except for one thing: they do not know how the system works, due to their indoctrination.
Since common law courts no longer exist, we know that the case never has anything to do with “facts” or live men and women and so, anyone who testifies (talks about the facts of the case) is doomed. ALL courts operate in trust law, based upon ecclesiastical canon law–– ritualism, superstition, satanism, etc.––which manifests as insidious, commercial law and we are in court to take the hit, if they can get us to do so. They use every trick in the book––intimidation, fear, threat, ridicule, rage, and even recesses, in order to change the jurisdiction, when they know they are losing, in order to make us admit that we are the name of the trust. When we do so, we are deemed to be the trustee––the one liable for administering the trust.
So, as the case is NOT about “justice”, it must be about administering a trust. They all represent the trust owned by the state and, if we are acting as beneficiary, the only two positions left are Trustee and Executor. So, if you detect a judge’s partiality, although I doubt the case will get this far, you might just want to let them know that you know this.
Since state employees want to be the beneficiaries of the trust, the only way they can do so is to transfer, to us, the liability which they hold, as trustees and executors, because they also cannot be both the administrators and beneficiary of the trust.
When we were born, a trust, called a Cestui Que Vie Trust (“CQV”) was set-up, for our benefit. Evidence of this is the birth certificate. But what is the value which must be conveyed to the trust, in order to create it? It was our right to property (via Birth into this world), our body (via the Live Birth Record), and our souls (via Baptism). Since the state/province which registered the trust is the owner, it is also the trustee…. the one that administers the trust. Since they, also, wanted to be beneficiary of this trust, they had to come up with ways to get us, as beneficiary, to authorize their charging the trust, allegedly, for our benefit (via our signature on a document: citation, application, etc.), and then, temporarily transfer trusteeship, to us, during the brief time that they want to be the beneficiary of a particular “constructive” trust.
the only way, under trust law, for them to be able to charge the trust is to get the authorization from the beneficiary––us, and the only way for them to benefit from their charge is to get us to switch roles––from beneficiary to trustee (the one responsible for the accounting), and for them to switch their role––from trustee to beneficiary because no party can be both, at the same time, i.e.: within the same constructive trust. They must somehow trick us into accepting the role of trustee. Why would we do so when the trust is for our benefit? …. and how do they manage to do this?
Well, the best way is to get us into court and trick us into unwittingly doing so.
So s/he appoints the judge as trustee (the one to administer the trust) and appoints the prosecutor as executor of the trust. The executor is ultimately liable for the charge because it was s/he who brought the case into court (created the constructive trust) on behalf of the state/province which charged the CQV trust. Only an executor/prosecutor can initiate/create a constructive trust and we all know the maxim of law: Whoever creates the controversy holds the liability and whoever holds the liability must provide the remedy. This is why all attorneys are mandated to bring their cheque-books to court because if it all goes wrong for them…. meaning either they fail to transfer their liability onto the alleged defendant, or the alleged defendant does not accept their offer of liability, then someone has to credit the trust account in order to off-set the debt. Since the prosecutor is the one who issues bogus paper and charges the trust, it is the Prosecutor/Executor (“PE”) who is in the hot-seat.
When the Name (of the trust), e.g.: JOHN DOE, is called by the Judge aka Administrator aka Trustee (“JAT”), we can stand and ask,
“For and on the record, are you saying that the trust which you are now administrating is the JOHN DOE trust?”
What’s the JAT’s first question? “What’s your name?” or “State your name for the record”. We must be very careful not to identify with the name of the trust because doing so makes us the trustee.
Because the JAT is the trustee––a precarious position, the best thing to say, in that case, is “JOHN DOE is, indeed, in the court!” Point to the JAT. “It is YOU! As trustee, YOU are JOHN DOE, today, aren’t you?!”
We ought to ask who they are. “Before we go any further, I need to know who YOU are.” Address the clerk of the court––the trustee for the CQV trust owned by the state/province, “Are you the CQV’s trustee who has appointed this judge as administrator and trustee of the constructive trust case #12345? Did you also appoint the prosecutor as executor of this constructive trust?”
Then point to the JAT: “So you are the trustee”, then point to the prosecutor, “and you are the executor? And I’m acting as beneficiary, so, now we know who’s who and, as beneficiary, I authorize you to handle the accounting and dissolve this constructive trust. I now claim my body so I am collapsing the CQV trust which you have charged, as there is no value in it. You have committed fraud against all laws!”
Likely, we will not get that far before the JAT will order “Case dismissed” or, even more likely, the PE, as he clings tightly to his cheque-book, will call, “We withdraw the charges”.
We have exposed their fraud of the CQV trust which exists only on presumptions. The CQV has no corpus, no property, ergo, no value. Trusts are created only upon the conveyance of property and can exist only as long as there is value in the trust. But, there is no value in the CQV trust, yet, they continue to charge the trust. That is fraud! (Consideration my friends)
If we claim our body, then we collapse the presumption that the trust has value.
Our having exposed their fraud gives them only three options:
1. They can dissolve the CQV trust––the one for which the clerk of the court is trustee and from which s/he created a constructive trust––the case––for which s/he appointed the judge and prosecutor titles which hold temporary liability––trustee and executor, respectively. But they cannot dissolve the CQV or the entire global system will collapse because they cannot exist without our energy which they obtain via that CQV trust, not to mention that they do not want to do the accounting and disperse the funds to the beneficiary––us. We must challenge and resolve this on our own behalf, as “the system” is not prepared to do so.
2. They can enforce the existing rules of trust law which means, as trustee, they can set-off their debt and leave us alone. Now they know that we are onto their fraud and every time they go into court to administer a trust account, they will not know if we are the one who will send them to jail. The trustee (judge) is the liable party who will go to jail, and the executor (prosecutor) is the one who enforces this. This is why they want us to take on both titles, because then, not only do we go to jail but also, by signing their paper, we become executor and enforce our own sentence. They cannot afford to violate the ecclesiastical canon laws, out of fear of ending their careers, so they are, again, trapped with no place to run.
3. They can dismiss the cases before they even take the risk of our exposing their fraud …. which also makes no sense because then their careers, again, come to a screeching halt.
What’s a court clerk to do!? Pretty soon, none of these thugs will take any cases because the risk is too great. This will be the end of the court system. ‘Bout bloody time, eh?
Friday, December 24, 2010
Thursday, December 23, 2010
Clouds submerge...
Tickle tree tops.
Dickory dock dew drops
dribble down peat moss.
Birds tweet, crickets creak.
Heat permeates...
amidst the mist-full abysmal guise.
Shines uninvited.
sunlight hits all angles imaginable.
Rays refract... Fractals expose.
Half the whole flowers grow lotus type.
folk alike, posing like posts...
Stand strong... Zhan zhong...
Time spent in alignment.
Meridians siphon,
chi, heavenly vibrant.
Tickle tree tops.
Dickory dock dew drops
dribble down peat moss.
Birds tweet, crickets creak.
Heat permeates...
amidst the mist-full abysmal guise.
Shines uninvited.
sunlight hits all angles imaginable.
Rays refract... Fractals expose.
Half the whole flowers grow lotus type.
folk alike, posing like posts...
Stand strong... Zhan zhong...
Time spent in alignment.
Meridians siphon,
chi, heavenly vibrant.
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Julian Assange: Is He and Forbes Credible? (WikiLeaks)
The latest news coming from WikiLeaks involves its CEO, Julian Assange, andForbes magazine that lends Assange credibility. He states in his interview withForbes that WikiLeaks will soon release tens of thousands of documents from a major U.S. financial firm in early 2011. Assange wouldn't say exactly what date, what bank, or what documents, but he compared the coming release to the emails that emerged in the Enron trial, that provided a comprehensive look at a corporation's crimes.
"It will give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume," he told Forbes.
Forbes, you may recall from previous Horowitz and Kane articles, employed David Rockefeller's ally, Benjamin Fulford. This Canadian propagandist, working in Japan, forged the last writing of Rockefeller nemesis, Christopher Story (a.k.a., Edward Harle). Fulford threatened journalist Story's death according to Story, the world's leading financial industry whistleblower. Story was murdered last July. Then Fulford, collaborating with CIA agent-provocateur, Greg Szmansky (a.k.a., Eric Samuelson), attached a forged "Knights of Malta" list to Story's last article, libeling Dr. Horowitz in the process, and implicating him in Story's murder.
In the Forbes interview, Assange was asked, "So do you have very high impact corporate stuff to release then?" Assange replied, "Yes, but maybe not as high impact, I mean, it could take down a bank or two."
There is talk that Bank of America, whose stock dropped more than 3% last week, may be one of the financial institutions that WikiLeaks is referencing, because In an October, 2009, interview with Computer World , Assange said, "At the moment, for example, we are sitting on five gigabytes from Bank of America, one of the executive's hard drives," he said. "Now how do we present that? It's a difficult problem. We could just dump it all into one giant Zip file, but we know for a fact that has limited impact. To have impact, it needs to be easy for people to dive in and search it and get something out of it."
Assange the Fugitive or Instrument of the Hegelian Dialectic?
Assange, we are told, is currently a fugitive, wanted by Interpol, allegedly for two sex crimes against women. In one case, he was reluctant to wear a condom during consensual sex.
The "fugitive" label now given to Assange works best for the Hegelian dialectic--the main method of mind-manipulation--challenging newsmakers' and whistleblowers' credibility,generating mass confusion.
This Hegelian, "mix-it-all-up," strategy evidences a CIA-COINTELPRO double agency: Assange, supposedly working for the good guys, appears discredited, yet assigned to operate as controlled opposition, a news maker that takes the heat of condemnation, a general distraction, only to be cleared later of wrongdoing in weakly evidenced cases.
Assange describes himself as an "information activist." He says, "The fundamental human struggle is between individuals and powerful institutions."
Increasingly, legitimate activists think Assange is "controlled opposition"--a shill for the "powerful institutions" he indicts. The bad guys have names that Assange neglects to mention.
Surely the gravity of America's economic collapse is sufficient to warrantForbes's and Assange's full disclosure. Failure to do so is treasonous and genocidal given millions of lives are risked by their censorship and conducting their "business a usual."
Many people now see Assange as a "wolf in sheep's clothing." Thierry Meyssan, who made himself an enemy of the U.S. by declaring in his book that 9/11 was orchestrated by George Bush, is one of many activists that may have once supported Assange. His mind, along with many others, changed when Assange disparaged the 9/11 Truth Movement. Assange reported, "I am constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud."
Real conspiracies for war? What the heck was 9/11? Follow the money from the Partnership for New York City's profits and losses from 9/11 to Las Vegas's latest attraction called the "City Center." There's your "smoking gun." The equity investors' in "City Center" feature the 9/11 Memorial--two leaning Veer Towers--sufficient to indict Assange, Larry Silverstein, David Rockefeller, Rupert Murdoch, and Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, for treason and mass murder.
Let's pin the tale on the right donkey. Meyssan has denounced Assange as being part of the American government "political diversion." But the first "diversion" is thinking the American government, not the Rockefeller and Rothschild League of Bankers, is the root cause of chaos benefitting the NWO.
Assange, Ellsberg and Rand Corporation Propaganda
Now here's a shocker--history is repeating from the pre-WikiLeaks era. . . .
Assange is being promoted, and endorsed, by Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon papers that, like Assange's leaks, neglected Rockefeller family and CIA involvements in the profitable Vietnam War.
Ellsberg was employed by the Rand Corporation, a major propaganda contractor for the military investment community, especially the Illuminati.
Today, Ellsberg and Assange are heavily involved in public persuasion and distraction, strongly suggesting Rand Corporation's involvements in engineering this publicity campaign that could bring down the banks.
In 1971, Ellsberg generated worldwide attention by releasing copies of the 7000-page top-secret Pentagon document on the Vietnam War. He is a master in economics and developed the "decision theory," now known as the "Ellsberg Paradox," related to "game theory, " used in war making decisions. With his intelligence background, and globalist connections, there is little doubt Ellsberg and Assange are hiding more than they're telling about their bosses' NWO plans.
Assange's squealing in the media, in harmony with Ellsberg, foreshadowing social unrest, martial law, and foreign and domestic military operations, is obviously self-incriminating in lieu of Ellsberg's connections and endorsements of Assange.
In counterintelligence operations, two agents are better than one, especially when mutual admiration among "controlled-opposition leaders" leads to mass persuasion and deadly profitable distractions.
"It will give a true and representative insight into how banks behave at the executive level in a way that will stimulate investigations and reforms, I presume," he told Forbes.
Forbes, you may recall from previous Horowitz and Kane articles, employed David Rockefeller's ally, Benjamin Fulford. This Canadian propagandist, working in Japan, forged the last writing of Rockefeller nemesis, Christopher Story (a.k.a., Edward Harle). Fulford threatened journalist Story's death according to Story, the world's leading financial industry whistleblower. Story was murdered last July. Then Fulford, collaborating with CIA agent-provocateur, Greg Szmansky (a.k.a., Eric Samuelson), attached a forged "Knights of Malta" list to Story's last article, libeling Dr. Horowitz in the process, and implicating him in Story's murder.
In the Forbes interview, Assange was asked, "So do you have very high impact corporate stuff to release then?" Assange replied, "Yes, but maybe not as high impact, I mean, it could take down a bank or two."
There is talk that Bank of America, whose stock dropped more than 3% last week, may be one of the financial institutions that WikiLeaks is referencing, because In an October, 2009, interview with Computer World , Assange said, "At the moment, for example, we are sitting on five gigabytes from Bank of America, one of the executive's hard drives," he said. "Now how do we present that? It's a difficult problem. We could just dump it all into one giant Zip file, but we know for a fact that has limited impact. To have impact, it needs to be easy for people to dive in and search it and get something out of it."
Assange the Fugitive or Instrument of the Hegelian Dialectic?
Assange, we are told, is currently a fugitive, wanted by Interpol, allegedly for two sex crimes against women. In one case, he was reluctant to wear a condom during consensual sex.
The "fugitive" label now given to Assange works best for the Hegelian dialectic--the main method of mind-manipulation--challenging newsmakers' and whistleblowers' credibility,generating mass confusion.
This Hegelian, "mix-it-all-up," strategy evidences a CIA-COINTELPRO double agency: Assange, supposedly working for the good guys, appears discredited, yet assigned to operate as controlled opposition, a news maker that takes the heat of condemnation, a general distraction, only to be cleared later of wrongdoing in weakly evidenced cases.
Assange describes himself as an "information activist." He says, "The fundamental human struggle is between individuals and powerful institutions."
Increasingly, legitimate activists think Assange is "controlled opposition"--a shill for the "powerful institutions" he indicts. The bad guys have names that Assange neglects to mention.
Surely the gravity of America's economic collapse is sufficient to warrantForbes's and Assange's full disclosure. Failure to do so is treasonous and genocidal given millions of lives are risked by their censorship and conducting their "business a usual."
Many people now see Assange as a "wolf in sheep's clothing." Thierry Meyssan, who made himself an enemy of the U.S. by declaring in his book that 9/11 was orchestrated by George Bush, is one of many activists that may have once supported Assange. His mind, along with many others, changed when Assange disparaged the 9/11 Truth Movement. Assange reported, "I am constantly annoyed that people are distracted by false conspiracies such as 9/11, when all around we provide evidence of real conspiracies, for war or mass financial fraud."
Real conspiracies for war? What the heck was 9/11? Follow the money from the Partnership for New York City's profits and losses from 9/11 to Las Vegas's latest attraction called the "City Center." There's your "smoking gun." The equity investors' in "City Center" feature the 9/11 Memorial--two leaning Veer Towers--sufficient to indict Assange, Larry Silverstein, David Rockefeller, Rupert Murdoch, and Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, for treason and mass murder.
Let's pin the tale on the right donkey. Meyssan has denounced Assange as being part of the American government "political diversion." But the first "diversion" is thinking the American government, not the Rockefeller and Rothschild League of Bankers, is the root cause of chaos benefitting the NWO.
Assange, Ellsberg and Rand Corporation Propaganda
Now here's a shocker--history is repeating from the pre-WikiLeaks era. . . .
Assange is being promoted, and endorsed, by Daniel Ellsberg, who leaked the Pentagon papers that, like Assange's leaks, neglected Rockefeller family and CIA involvements in the profitable Vietnam War.
Ellsberg was employed by the Rand Corporation, a major propaganda contractor for the military investment community, especially the Illuminati.
Today, Ellsberg and Assange are heavily involved in public persuasion and distraction, strongly suggesting Rand Corporation's involvements in engineering this publicity campaign that could bring down the banks.
In 1971, Ellsberg generated worldwide attention by releasing copies of the 7000-page top-secret Pentagon document on the Vietnam War. He is a master in economics and developed the "decision theory," now known as the "Ellsberg Paradox," related to "game theory, " used in war making decisions. With his intelligence background, and globalist connections, there is little doubt Ellsberg and Assange are hiding more than they're telling about their bosses' NWO plans.
Assange's squealing in the media, in harmony with Ellsberg, foreshadowing social unrest, martial law, and foreign and domestic military operations, is obviously self-incriminating in lieu of Ellsberg's connections and endorsements of Assange.
In counterintelligence operations, two agents are better than one, especially when mutual admiration among "controlled-opposition leaders" leads to mass persuasion and deadly profitable distractions.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
Butter vs. Margarine: Which is Healthier? by Dr. Mercola
Every day, in breakfast tables around the world, there are unseen "food wars." There are a lot of choices to make. Should you drink coffee or tea? Do you want your eggs sunny side up or scrambled? Would you go for oatmeal or cereal?
When it comes to what to use to put on your toast or rolls, your choice of spread can have a profound impact on your health.
Butter has had a love-hate relationship with the health-conscious. Who could resist that rich, creamy flavor? Butter is a natural, wholesome food that has been eaten by man for thousands of years. But during the last century, butter has been vilified by the medical community because of the erroneous notion that the fat it contains increases the risk of heart disease.
Raw butter from grass-fed cows is rich with essential vitamins and antioxidants in their most natural and absorbable state, natural health expert Joseph Mercola explains. It's a little known fact that butter is actually a better source of vitamin A than carrots. Aside from vitamin A, butter also contains vitamin E and selenium. These three nutrients help protect your heart from free radical damage, which weakens your arteries.
Butter also contains vitamin D, vitamin K, lecithin, butyric acid (an anti-carcinogen) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fatty acid which has been found to help fight cancer, decrease abdominal fat, lower insulin resistance and lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Real butter is composed primarily of short and medium chain fatty acids, which are easily used by your body as energy. This means that the fat is butter is actually less likely to be stored as fat in your body.
You should avoid fabricated butter spreads because they are filled with rancid and refined vegetable oils that cause free radical damage.
Margarine, on the other hand, has been advertised as a "healthier" alternative to butter. But for Dr. Mercola, calling margarine healthy is absolutely ludicrous.
Margarine is clearly inferior in taste and more importantly, is not health promoting. That's because margarine is made from vegetable oils found mostly in soy and cottonseed. These vegetable oils are subjected to extreme processing conditions, including high heat and high pressure, and are extracted by using chemical solvents.
The vegetable oils used in most margarines are hydrogenated to make them solid, turning the oil into highly unhealthy trans fatty acids. Studies show that trans fats increase your risk of heart attacks by lowering HDL (good) cholesterol and increasing LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Trans fats are also believed to increase your risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.
Even if the margarine label lists zero grams of trans fats, it can still contain small amounts of this bad fat. Solid margarines have the most trans fat content.
During the hydrogenation process, a nickel catalyst is added to the margarine's vegetable oils. Nickel is a toxic heavy metal. Deodorants and artificial colorings are also added to remove the unpleasant smell from the rancid vegetable oils and cover up the unappetizing grey color.
Butter, in all aspects, is clearly the better spread. But don't settle just for just any type of butter. Mercola recommends raw butter from grass-fed cows. If this is not available, you can find organic butter from a health food store.
When it comes to what to use to put on your toast or rolls, your choice of spread can have a profound impact on your health.
Butter has had a love-hate relationship with the health-conscious. Who could resist that rich, creamy flavor? Butter is a natural, wholesome food that has been eaten by man for thousands of years. But during the last century, butter has been vilified by the medical community because of the erroneous notion that the fat it contains increases the risk of heart disease.
Raw butter from grass-fed cows is rich with essential vitamins and antioxidants in their most natural and absorbable state, natural health expert Joseph Mercola explains. It's a little known fact that butter is actually a better source of vitamin A than carrots. Aside from vitamin A, butter also contains vitamin E and selenium. These three nutrients help protect your heart from free radical damage, which weakens your arteries.
Butter also contains vitamin D, vitamin K, lecithin, butyric acid (an anti-carcinogen) and conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), a fatty acid which has been found to help fight cancer, decrease abdominal fat, lower insulin resistance and lower cholesterol and triglyceride levels.
Real butter is composed primarily of short and medium chain fatty acids, which are easily used by your body as energy. This means that the fat is butter is actually less likely to be stored as fat in your body.
You should avoid fabricated butter spreads because they are filled with rancid and refined vegetable oils that cause free radical damage.
Margarine, on the other hand, has been advertised as a "healthier" alternative to butter. But for Dr. Mercola, calling margarine healthy is absolutely ludicrous.
Margarine is clearly inferior in taste and more importantly, is not health promoting. That's because margarine is made from vegetable oils found mostly in soy and cottonseed. These vegetable oils are subjected to extreme processing conditions, including high heat and high pressure, and are extracted by using chemical solvents.
The vegetable oils used in most margarines are hydrogenated to make them solid, turning the oil into highly unhealthy trans fatty acids. Studies show that trans fats increase your risk of heart attacks by lowering HDL (good) cholesterol and increasing LDL (bad) cholesterol levels. Trans fats are also believed to increase your risk of cancer and other chronic diseases.
Even if the margarine label lists zero grams of trans fats, it can still contain small amounts of this bad fat. Solid margarines have the most trans fat content.
During the hydrogenation process, a nickel catalyst is added to the margarine's vegetable oils. Nickel is a toxic heavy metal. Deodorants and artificial colorings are also added to remove the unpleasant smell from the rancid vegetable oils and cover up the unappetizing grey color.
Butter, in all aspects, is clearly the better spread. But don't settle just for just any type of butter. Mercola recommends raw butter from grass-fed cows. If this is not available, you can find organic butter from a health food store.
Saturday, October 30, 2010
The Bhagavad Gita: Chapter 3 - "The Yoga Of Action" translated by The Krippled Khemist
"If what you say is true, that accordance with the emptiness known as the tao is superior to action, why then do you ask me to perform such an act of bloodshed by waging war against my loved ones?
You've confused me... Please answer me. Tell me that one way in which I can achieve a perfect outcome from which no suffering arises."
"Arjuna, as I've said, their exists two paths; the path of accordance with the tao and the path of taking action.
However, choosing not to act is an action of its own. Because of this, through not waging war, you are not achieving a more perfect outcome than you would if you had decided to wage war.
Thus, it is impossible for one to not take action. Due to the nature of our limited contriving selves we have no choice but to act helplessly.
One who restrains his body from action to sit and use his conventional knowledge to find a better solution must have a misunderstanding to think that this abstinence has escaped him from taking action.
However once one tames the mind and frees it of its preconceived concepts, they have escaped duality and are now in accordance with emptiness and in accordance with the tao. This is perfection.
Act in accordance with the tao; this is the natural way; this is acting in non-action. Acting in non-action is the total opposite of not acting. To not act is detrimental; even our very existence relys upon the actions of our physical body.
Nature is bound by natural actions, natural actions that take place because that is the way it is. Take action Arjuna! Act in accord with emptiness, do what's natural.
Because of the tao, human beings were born together with nature, part of nature. Nature is the everlasting, all-powerful essence of which we are, from which we came and shall return.
In performing this non-contrived action, nature and human beings benefit mutually. Arjuna, this is the perfect outcome from which no suffering arises.
Nature nourished by empty action will provide one with all they will ever need. Yet, if one fails to act in non-action, they will succumb to suffering.
Those who act in action which is empty of attachments find enlightenment, but those who selfishly act in a contriving manner will dwell in perpetual suffering.
All is sustained by the actions of nature, and the actions of nature are sustained by all.
Be aware that empty action is the natural way, and the natural way is the tao. Thus, the natural way is always empty.
One who acts according to their desires has met the 10,000 things and will find suffering.
One who acts according to the tao has met emptiness, or the 0, and will find that they have nothing to do.
This is why empty action is called non-action. This is why the sage leaves nothing done or undone as all is as part of him.
Therefore, empty of attachments one performs what is to be performed and unifies theirself with the real.
King Janaka and others have found accordance with the tao and you should too. Guide all the others to a state of universal enlightenment.
For one who finds accordance with the tao, all shall follow.
Arjuna, there is nothing in the three worlds that should be done by Me, and nothing that I need, yet i engage Myself in action for the sake of all.
If I were to not act, all would follow
and the world would be ruined. I would be the cause of destruction in my people.
As ignorant men act out of attachment, wise men must act empty of attachment.
And the wise shall unsettle the minds of the ignorant and engage them through love.
All actions are caused by natures duality and natures duality alone, One who is deluded by the ego thinks "I am the doer", however there is no doer it is just done.
But once the wise one is aware of the emptiness in duality and all perceived things, he or she is not attached.
Those who give name and form to what is are attached. The wise should not anger the foolish with this ultimate knowledge.
Free from egoism you must act and perform your natural duty to fight this war.
Those who are not aware of the tao, yet follow my actions, they too are freed from action.
But those who dismiss my insight and for the sake of conforming become engaged in what their minds have titled desirable, and will be doomed to destruction.
When the wise one transcends duality he can easily control nature as he is nature and nature alone.
Concepts and conventions dwell in the mind and are illusions to what is real.
What's natural always reigns superior over the unnatural.
But what impels us to turn our backs to the natural?
The answer is desire, desire born from our experience of material objects; the insatiable destroyer of the natural.
As fire is concealed by smoke, as a mirror covered by dust, as the embryo is surrounded by the womb, so too is nature concealed in this desire.
Emptiness is covered by its constant opposite the 10,000 things.
The senses, mind and intellect are said to be the seat of the 10,000 things from which our selves are deluded.
Therefore, Arjuna, the first step is to seize control of the senses and destroy the 10,000 things we desire.
It is said that the senses are superior to the body, the mind superior to the senses, the intellect superior to the mind, and the consciousness superior to the intellect.
Thus consciously, seize the mind and slay the senses, the mother of all desire."
"If what you say is true, that accordance with the emptiness known as the tao is superior to action, why then do you ask me to perform such an act of bloodshed by waging war against my loved ones?
You've confused me... Please answer me. Tell me that one way in which I can achieve a perfect outcome from which no suffering arises."
"Arjuna, as I've said, their exists two paths; the path of accordance with the tao and the path of taking action.
However, choosing not to act is an action of its own. Because of this, through not waging war, you are not achieving a more perfect outcome than you would if you had decided to wage war.
Thus, it is impossible for one to not take action. Due to the nature of our limited contriving selves we have no choice but to act helplessly.
One who restrains his body from action to sit and use his conventional knowledge to find a better solution must have a misunderstanding to think that this abstinence has escaped him from taking action.
However once one tames the mind and frees it of its preconceived concepts, they have escaped duality and are now in accordance with emptiness and in accordance with the tao. This is perfection.
Act in accordance with the tao; this is the natural way; this is acting in non-action. Acting in non-action is the total opposite of not acting. To not act is detrimental; even our very existence relys upon the actions of our physical body.
Nature is bound by natural actions, natural actions that take place because that is the way it is. Take action Arjuna! Act in accord with emptiness, do what's natural.
Because of the tao, human beings were born together with nature, part of nature. Nature is the everlasting, all-powerful essence of which we are, from which we came and shall return.
In performing this non-contrived action, nature and human beings benefit mutually. Arjuna, this is the perfect outcome from which no suffering arises.
Nature nourished by empty action will provide one with all they will ever need. Yet, if one fails to act in non-action, they will succumb to suffering.
Those who act in action which is empty of attachments find enlightenment, but those who selfishly act in a contriving manner will dwell in perpetual suffering.
All is sustained by the actions of nature, and the actions of nature are sustained by all.
Be aware that empty action is the natural way, and the natural way is the tao. Thus, the natural way is always empty.
One who acts according to their desires has met the 10,000 things and will find suffering.
One who acts according to the tao has met emptiness, or the 0, and will find that they have nothing to do.
This is why empty action is called non-action. This is why the sage leaves nothing done or undone as all is as part of him.
Therefore, empty of attachments one performs what is to be performed and unifies theirself with the real.
King Janaka and others have found accordance with the tao and you should too. Guide all the others to a state of universal enlightenment.
For one who finds accordance with the tao, all shall follow.
Arjuna, there is nothing in the three worlds that should be done by Me, and nothing that I need, yet i engage Myself in action for the sake of all.
If I were to not act, all would follow
and the world would be ruined. I would be the cause of destruction in my people.
As ignorant men act out of attachment, wise men must act empty of attachment.
And the wise shall unsettle the minds of the ignorant and engage them through love.
All actions are caused by natures duality and natures duality alone, One who is deluded by the ego thinks "I am the doer", however there is no doer it is just done.
But once the wise one is aware of the emptiness in duality and all perceived things, he or she is not attached.
Those who give name and form to what is are attached. The wise should not anger the foolish with this ultimate knowledge.
Free from egoism you must act and perform your natural duty to fight this war.
Those who are not aware of the tao, yet follow my actions, they too are freed from action.
But those who dismiss my insight and for the sake of conforming become engaged in what their minds have titled desirable, and will be doomed to destruction.
When the wise one transcends duality he can easily control nature as he is nature and nature alone.
Concepts and conventions dwell in the mind and are illusions to what is real.
What's natural always reigns superior over the unnatural.
But what impels us to turn our backs to the natural?
The answer is desire, desire born from our experience of material objects; the insatiable destroyer of the natural.
As fire is concealed by smoke, as a mirror covered by dust, as the embryo is surrounded by the womb, so too is nature concealed in this desire.
Emptiness is covered by its constant opposite the 10,000 things.
The senses, mind and intellect are said to be the seat of the 10,000 things from which our selves are deluded.
Therefore, Arjuna, the first step is to seize control of the senses and destroy the 10,000 things we desire.
It is said that the senses are superior to the body, the mind superior to the senses, the intellect superior to the mind, and the consciousness superior to the intellect.
Thus consciously, seize the mind and slay the senses, the mother of all desire."
Thursday, October 28, 2010
THE TREATISE ON T'AI CHI CH'UAN Attributed to Wang Tsung-yueh [Wang Zongyue] (18th Century)
T'ai Chi [Supreme Ultimate] comes from Wu Chi [Formless Void] and is the mother of yin and yang. In motion T'ai Chi separates; in stillness yin and yang fuse and return to Wu Chi.
It is not excessive or deficient; it follows a bending, adheres to an extension.
When the opponent is hard and I am soft, it is called tsou [yielding].
When I follow the opponent and he becomes backed up, it is called nien [adhering/sticking].
If the opponent's movement is quick, then quickly respond; if his movement is slow, then follow slowly.
Although there are innumerable variations, the principles that pervades them remain the same.
From familiarity with the correct touch, one gradually comprehends chin [intrinsic strength]; from the comprehension of chin one can reach wisdom.
Without long practice one cannot suddenly understand T'ai Chi.
Effortlessly the chin reaches the headtop.
Let the ch'i [vital life energy] sink to the tan-t'ien [field of elixir].
Don't lean in any direction; suddenly appear, suddenly disappear.
Empty the left wherever a pressure appears, and similarly the right.
If the opponent raises up, I seem taller; if he sinks down, then I seem lower; advancing, he finds the distance seems incredibly long; retreating, the distance seems exasperatingly short.
A feather cannot be placed, and a fly cannot alight on any part of the body.
The opponent does not know me; I alone know him.
To become a peerless boxer results from this.
There are many boxing arts.
Although they use different forms, for the most part they don't go beyond the strong dominating the weak, and the slow resigning to the swift.
The strong defeating the weak and the slow hands ceding to the swift hands are all the results of natural abilities and not of well-trained techniques.
From the sentence "A force of four ounces deflects a thousand pounds" we know that the technique is not accomplished with strength.
The spectacle of an old person defeating a group of young people, how can it be due to swiftness?
Stand like a perfectly balanced scale and move like a turning wheel.
Sinking to one side allows movement to flow; being double-weighted is sluggish.
Anyone who has spent years of practice and still cannot neutralize, and is always controlled by his opponent, has not apprehended the fault of double-weightedness.
To avoid this fault one must distinguish yin from yang.
To adhere means to yield. To yield means to adhere.
Within yin there is yang. Within yang there is yin.
Yin and yang mutually aid and change each other.
Understanding this you can say you understand chin. After you understand chin, the more you practice, the more skill.
Silently treasure knowledge and turn it over in the mind. Gradually you can do as you like.
Fundamentally, it is giving up yourself to follow others. Most people mistakenly give up the near to seek the far. It is said, "Missing it by a little will lead many miles astray."
The practitioner must carefully study.
This is the Treatise
It is not excessive or deficient; it follows a bending, adheres to an extension.
When the opponent is hard and I am soft, it is called tsou [yielding].
When I follow the opponent and he becomes backed up, it is called nien [adhering/sticking].
If the opponent's movement is quick, then quickly respond; if his movement is slow, then follow slowly.
Although there are innumerable variations, the principles that pervades them remain the same.
From familiarity with the correct touch, one gradually comprehends chin [intrinsic strength]; from the comprehension of chin one can reach wisdom.
Without long practice one cannot suddenly understand T'ai Chi.
Effortlessly the chin reaches the headtop.
Let the ch'i [vital life energy] sink to the tan-t'ien [field of elixir].
Don't lean in any direction; suddenly appear, suddenly disappear.
Empty the left wherever a pressure appears, and similarly the right.
If the opponent raises up, I seem taller; if he sinks down, then I seem lower; advancing, he finds the distance seems incredibly long; retreating, the distance seems exasperatingly short.
A feather cannot be placed, and a fly cannot alight on any part of the body.
The opponent does not know me; I alone know him.
To become a peerless boxer results from this.
There are many boxing arts.
Although they use different forms, for the most part they don't go beyond the strong dominating the weak, and the slow resigning to the swift.
The strong defeating the weak and the slow hands ceding to the swift hands are all the results of natural abilities and not of well-trained techniques.
From the sentence "A force of four ounces deflects a thousand pounds" we know that the technique is not accomplished with strength.
The spectacle of an old person defeating a group of young people, how can it be due to swiftness?
Stand like a perfectly balanced scale and move like a turning wheel.
Sinking to one side allows movement to flow; being double-weighted is sluggish.
Anyone who has spent years of practice and still cannot neutralize, and is always controlled by his opponent, has not apprehended the fault of double-weightedness.
To avoid this fault one must distinguish yin from yang.
To adhere means to yield. To yield means to adhere.
Within yin there is yang. Within yang there is yin.
Yin and yang mutually aid and change each other.
Understanding this you can say you understand chin. After you understand chin, the more you practice, the more skill.
Silently treasure knowledge and turn it over in the mind. Gradually you can do as you like.
Fundamentally, it is giving up yourself to follow others. Most people mistakenly give up the near to seek the far. It is said, "Missing it by a little will lead many miles astray."
The practitioner must carefully study.
This is the Treatise
Direct Conscious Awareness of Chi: Case Study by Douglas J. Matzke
During the 1980s, a Russian born physicist named Dr. Yury Khronos, developed an electronic means of generating very specific patterns of Chi energy. Over the last ten years, Dr. Khronos has been using human volunteers sensitive to Chi, to help him scientifically map out what patterns would have useful effects, since no useful device to measure Chi exists. During 1995, Dr. Khronos met a Chinese trained oriental medical specialist and Chi master named Dong Chen. Master Chen was amazed that it was possible to electronically generate Chi, because he was trained to believe very high quality Chi could only be generated by specially trained human Chi masters. Since their meeting, Master Chen's special sensitivity, awareness, and knowledge of Chi has enabled them to determine what patterns correspond to the Chinese system of acupuncture points and meridians.
This paper will discuss the role of conscious awareness of Chi, and how this subjective measure was used to systematically map out what electronically generated Chi patterns were equivalent to ancient knowledge from Kabbalah, Chakras, and the latest mapping of the acupuncture points and meridians. The significance of the subjective process on this Chi technology development will be discussed in the light of western scientific method, including the IMPOSSIBILITY of true double blind Chi studies using Chi sensitive subjects.
1.0 Introduction to Chi
The Chinese know it as Chi, the Japanese call it Qi, the Indians call it Prana, but what is Chi, and why should we in the west be interested in it? Part of the mystery of Chi is that it requires the world view that the majority of the world population has held for thousands of years. The challenge is this world view is not currently understood in the context of western science and deterministic physics. Specifically, Chi is described as a non-physical field around and nourishing living things, but western science does not have the standard western style measurement technology they require to "prove" the existence of Chi, nor do they have the theoretical understanding to comprehend why or how to study this non-physical (by current known western measurement technology) field.
The western style proof for the existence of Chi has always been the major stumbling block to mainstream western science research into the nature of Chi. But just as psychology and quantum probability distributions have been studied and are deemed "real but non-physical" by western measurement standards, Chi is now being studied in the west because of the effects that can be predicted from theory and practice. This paper will add further support to the idea that Chi is real yet non-physical but can still be studied and researched using western style research methodology. The closest analogy to this process is the medical research methodology taking place to understand the placebo effect and medical effectiveness of drugs.
Willis Harman, the President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, has been writing and lecturing for years [1] that western science must formally open its doors to include subjective experience into the scientific process. This is specifically apropos for the scientific study of Chi, because as this paper describes, human subjects are currently the only measurement mechanism available for the detection of Chi. Leveraging off Eastern knowledge of Chi and integrating that information into a western model is very important to the process.
Understanding the importance of Chi by western science is a very important first step in the westernization of Chi knowledge. According to Eastern medical knowledge, Chi is an organizing field for life. To maintain good health, the correct balance of Chi must flow through our body just as one's body needs blood or cerebral fluid flowing through our body to stay alive. Good health is derived from the correct balance and flow of Chi.
The understanding that thoughts can direct and effect the flow of Chi, suggests that Chi, the mind, and consciousness are all intimately related. The understanding of this author is[2], if the mind is a non-local information field (rather than an energy field) then understanding more about Chi will lead us to better understanding about mind/consciousness, improved awareness, and improved health. This is the same results predicated from ancient Chi knowledge and supports their notion that Chi is an essential technology.
This case study assumes the theory that Chi and human consciousness consist of the same non-physical organizing field. This idea constitutes a rationale why humans are aware of Chi in the first place, and why it is important to use subject awareness of Chi as an essential measurement approach to the western scientific study of Chi. The third chapter will discuss in detail the fact that Chi truly exists but is non-physical and therefore Chi Generator technology is more than a possibility, but actually exists today.
Chi technology development has been going on the East for thousands of years. Now finally western scientists are combining the western and eastern world views to enable us to build Chi Generators. This technology development depends on human awareness of Chi, but also strongly suggests that a unified field theory, that includes western physics as well as Chi and consciousness, can ultimately be developed.
2.0 Human Awareness and Sensitivity to Chi
The major proof that Chi exists today is the fact that people are sensitive to Chi and describe it in consistent and repeatable terms across many subjects. This subjective experience is no different than people who are wine tasting experts with highly "calibrated tongues" or perfume experts with highly "calibrated noses". In fact, apprentices who have been trained to become very sensitive and aware of Chi are called Chi masters.
A Chi master named Dong Chen works with our development team and his knowledge and awareness of Chi is outstanding, just as the expertise of any world class athlete, musician, or expert is way beyond a typical person's ability. Western scientists must accept that Chi masters are the embodiment of far Eastern Chi knowledge handed down from generation to generation and start benefiting from their knowledge in a systemic study of Chi.
Human awareness of Chi falls into roughly three groups. First, there are people who have no awareness or sensitivity to Chi. It is possible that these people have belief systems that that actually inhibit the flow of Chi into their body. The second group is only slightly aware of Chi and they tend to be open to allowing Chi to flow through them. The third group consists of people who are extremely sensitive to and aware of Chi. Independent of Chi awareness is knowledge about Chi which can include identifying specific Chi patterns similar to how musicians can identify chords or movements from just hearing it.
Chi awareness comes naturally to some people and other people train themselves to be more Chi aware. Since Chi is a natural part of every persons' health, we can all be sensitized to become more Chi aware. The common way many people are already aware of Chi is through strong emotion such as love or hate. Laughter and love (or appreciation) causes the flow of Chi to increase and negative emotions tends to reduce the flow of Chi. When people give you attention they are actually giving you Chi, which makes you feel good.
Anytime you feel good, you are receiving more Chi and anytime you feel bad, your Chi flow is reduced. Exercise, walking outdoors, and breathing fresh air (filled with Chi) tends to invigorate the flow of Chi in people. People who do not know how to get Chi from the earth and the air tend to get Chi from other people by using a variety of attention getting behaviors. Meditation and Tai Chi exercises also stimulate the flow of Chi in people. Many books and seminars exist that teach people these techniques.
Once it is understood that people are aware of Chi, it is obvious that any western style double blind experiment regarding Chi (and absence of Chi) will be problematic. For example, double blind experiments that would test the medical effectiveness of Chi compared to the placebo effect (or no Chi) would not truly be double blind, because many people are directly aware of Chi. This kind of experimental protocol would only be double blind to the experimentalists who are steadfastly unaware of Chi. This understanding needs to be incorporated into research methodology on Chi.
In this regard, our research group called Seraph, is currently working on a "Receptivity Index" that could be given to subjects before and after experiments using Chi. This instrument would sample people's knowledge, awareness, and beliefs regarding Chi, which could be statistically significant to the research outcomes. This non-profit organization called, Seraph, promotes research and education about life-affirming technologies, such as the vital energy technology.
3.0 Chi Generator Technology
The newest avenue for increasing a person's Chi flow, awareness, and sensitivity is to use electronically generated Chi. Many research groups around the world are working on Chi generators. This paper will focus on only one technology and methodology effort, because much of this other work is very secretive. Generating meaningful Chi patterns is just like synthesizing music, because more complex patterns and chords are perceived by people as more pleasing. Just as playing a single note all the time leads to boredom, Chi needs variety and complexity to be meaningful and interesting to people.
This kind of complex Chi generator technology has been invented and developed over the last ten years by a Russian born physicist named Dr. Yury Khronos. Through his own awareness of Chi, Dr. Khronos has found meaningful patterns with various effects on people. For example he has a Chi pattern he calls Quiet Mind, that literally drives the brain state into low frequency theta brain waves and another that produces patterns for each chakra point. Dr. Khronos has developed over 50 different Chi patterns by himself. Dr. Khronos and Master Chen have created many more specific patterns since their collaboration last year.
Dr. Khronos' Chi generator contains two separate pieces of technology. The first is the programmable electronic Chi generation equipment and the second is the process for imprinting the Chi patterns onto normal magnetic audio tape. When Chi is generated and imprinted as a soundless pattern onto standard audio tape. The resulting tapes contain Chi patterns (plus added music) that can be played on standard audio equipment to reproduce the Chi. These "Vital Energy Tapes" are perceived to produce Chi that is identical to the original Chi generation machine. Both the Chi generator and tape imprint technologies are trade secret.
When playing the Vital Energy Tapes, the speakers' electromagnetics actually emit the Chi patterns, but the paper sound cones are not required since the Chi is not encoded as sound. Deaf people could also benefit from these tapes. Analysis of the tape containing Chi produces no perceivable output pattern from the tape. Chi is different from electromagnetics, but electromagnetics can be used as a carrier for Chi. One of the interesting results of these Vital Energy Tapes, is Chi aware people have reported they can benefit from the tapes just by carrying them around in their pocket. The atemporal aspects of Chi result in a static Chi field effect without even playing the tapes, but just holding them. See another paper at this conference [3] that describes the theoretical aspects of Chi in more detail.
Some people might ask, why do we need Chi generator technology when humans can already naturally use and access Chi from the world around us. Our answer to that is people are capable of doing simple math with pad & paper, but complex math problems are handled easier by calculators and computers. Another example is people can dig a ditch with a shovel but for very large jobs a backhoe is useful. Chi generators can be used as a tool for learning, just as biofeedback equipment are used to teach about other barely conscious physiological processes.
The goal is to use these tapes as a tool to aid in one's Chi awareness and knowledge, and not replace natural forms of Chi in nature. People who have used these tapes have written many letters to us describing how the Vital Energy Tapes help them to achieve states of awareness much more rapidly then they normally achieve by themselves during meditation. People who can see auras have reported seeing aura patterns emitting from the speakers while playing the Vital Energy Tapes.
Since these tapes can produce quite exaggerated states of awareness, we strongly recommend to never play them while driving a motor vehicle. Earphones should not be used with vital energy tapes, because the Chi would only be projected on the head. The Vital Energy Tapes are being marketed via a company called Convergent Systems, Inc. CSI has a web site at that contains more information about the sixteen different tapes currently being marketed. The Vital Energy Tapes contain energy on both sides plus music on one side. The Seraph group maintains the web site at and hosts CSI as well as several other groups working in this area.
Dr. Khronos has been giving seminars all over the country about his Vital Energy technology and tapes during the last five years. Time and time again he has demonstrated that people who are very aware of Chi instantly recognize the value of his work, and people who are less aware or have no awareness of Chi become interested in learning more about it. Chi generation technology is in it's infancy, and just as sound synthesizers became more sophisticated over time, so to will Chi generators become more sophisticated compared to theses early models.
This concludes the chapter on Chi Generator technology developed by Dr. Khronos. It is clear from this work that 1) Chi is very real yet non-physical 2) Chi generators are a reality today, 3) subject awareness of Chi is critical to this work, and 4) understanding about Chi technology and theory will lead to the next step of better formal models compatible with western physics as well as Chi detector technology.
4.0 Methodology for developing Chi patterns
Two methods were used to develop specific Chi patterns and both of them currently depend on human awareness or knowledge of Chi. The first method is the "Self Discovery" and the second is the "Chi master guided" method of rediscovery. Each of these will be described in detail in the next paragraphs in this chapter.
For many years, Dr. Khronos developed specific patterns by the "Self Discovery" method. This is equivalent to a self taught musician who must discover interesting chords and melodies without the aid of music or a professional music teacher. This effort was approached as scientifically as possible by using a volunteer team of Chi aware people to confirm the intent of the specific patterns generated.
Dr. Khronos would chose an on his equipment until he got the effect he was looking for. Then he would imprint some tapes with several similar Chi pattern and send the tapes to several volunteers who were usually not told what was the goal for the tape. He would take their feedback and additional impressions, and continue this process until satisfied with the result.
This "Self Discovery" method was not totally blind. Dr. Khronos used the knowledge from the Kabbalah to guide the patterns he used. Specifically he found that the Tree of Life has ten points (or circles) with each point representing a color, an emotion, a planet, and an element. As a physicist, he started exploring the Chi patterns that would represent the elements and this proved to be a successful approach. Many of the Vital energy tapes have sequences of Chi patterns with elemental frequencies. For example the tapes, Empathy contains the patterns of lithium and Energy Booster contains four different elemental energies.
This "Self Discovery" method served Dr. Khronos well during the early years. The "Chi master guided" method would prove to be the next giant step forward in the Chi technology methodology. Through their awareness and knowledge, Chi masters can directly recognize which Chi patterns correspond to the ancient acupuncture meridian system, as well as other schools of thought used for organizing Chi knowledge. These systems have been developed and standardized for thousands of years as a direct result of standardizing Chi awareness in the far East.
Systematically mapping Dr. Khronos' generator technology into these other Chi contexts is the current work being supported by Seraph. Using Dr. Khronos' same programmable equipment, these new Chi patterns will allow much of Chinese medicine (acupuncture, herbs, and homeopathy) to be recreated using complex synthesized Chi patterns. The patterns for non-intrusive acupuncture are a reality in the lab today as a result of Chi awareness of a Chi master. The next phase of this technology development will be clinical trials, and these trials need to start with qualified personnel and reputable medical facilities. Just as acupuncture therapists have done for thousands of years, human awareness of Chi will be useful in applying the right kind and amount of Chi in a clinical setting.
The benefit of the "Chi master guided" methodology over the "Self Discovery" is evident. Correlating ancient knowledge with modern technology and verifying the result using the very discriminating awareness of a Chi master leads to a very rapid technology development cycle. The only slowdown required in this process is the researchers may spend many hours every day under experimental Chi patterns. Just as bread is used to clean the palette between courses of a meal, the researchers must not be under these patterns all day, or it will effect the balance and awareness of their own systems strongly.
Awareness and knowledge go hand in hand through the technology development process for Chi. Chi generator technology development and clinical applications will continue to rely on human awareness of Chi, until such time other measurement technology is developed.
5.0 Conclusions
Chi exists as a natural part of our world and is very real even though it appears to be non-physical and western science does not currently understand it like they understand electromagnetics. Humans are naturally aware of Chi and when trained as an apprentice under a Chi master, they can develop exquisite awareness and knowledge of Chi. Human awareness of Chi is currently being used to develop and refine Chi patterns being produced by Chi generation equipment. During these early years of Chi generator development, subjective awareness of Chi is fundamental to the scientific process of westernizing Chi technology. Theoretical work regarding Chi as primarily an information field, is helping to make Chi comprehensible within the western scientific community. Ultimately the physics of Chi must rely on a unified field theory that comprehends quantum fields, gravity fields, Chi, and human consciousness.
[1] W. Harman, 1994, "Toward a Science of Consciousness: Addressing Two Central Questions", Toward a Science of Consciousness, MIT Press.
[2] D. Matzke, 1994, "Consciousness: a new computational paradigm", Toward a Science of Consciousness, MIT Press.
[3] D. Matzke, 1996, "Prediction: Future Electronic Systems Will be Disrupted Due To Consciousness ", Toward a Science of Consciousness 1996, Tucson II, University of Arizona.
During the 1980s, a Russian born physicist named Dr. Yury Khronos, developed an electronic means of generating very specific patterns of Chi energy. Over the last ten years, Dr. Khronos has been using human volunteers sensitive to Chi, to help him scientifically map out what patterns would have useful effects, since no useful device to measure Chi exists. During 1995, Dr. Khronos met a Chinese trained oriental medical specialist and Chi master named Dong Chen. Master Chen was amazed that it was possible to electronically generate Chi, because he was trained to believe very high quality Chi could only be generated by specially trained human Chi masters. Since their meeting, Master Chen's special sensitivity, awareness, and knowledge of Chi has enabled them to determine what patterns correspond to the Chinese system of acupuncture points and meridians.
This paper will discuss the role of conscious awareness of Chi, and how this subjective measure was used to systematically map out what electronically generated Chi patterns were equivalent to ancient knowledge from Kabbalah, Chakras, and the latest mapping of the acupuncture points and meridians. The significance of the subjective process on this Chi technology development will be discussed in the light of western scientific method, including the IMPOSSIBILITY of true double blind Chi studies using Chi sensitive subjects.
1.0 Introduction to Chi
The Chinese know it as Chi, the Japanese call it Qi, the Indians call it Prana, but what is Chi, and why should we in the west be interested in it? Part of the mystery of Chi is that it requires the world view that the majority of the world population has held for thousands of years. The challenge is this world view is not currently understood in the context of western science and deterministic physics. Specifically, Chi is described as a non-physical field around and nourishing living things, but western science does not have the standard western style measurement technology they require to "prove" the existence of Chi, nor do they have the theoretical understanding to comprehend why or how to study this non-physical (by current known western measurement technology) field.
The western style proof for the existence of Chi has always been the major stumbling block to mainstream western science research into the nature of Chi. But just as psychology and quantum probability distributions have been studied and are deemed "real but non-physical" by western measurement standards, Chi is now being studied in the west because of the effects that can be predicted from theory and practice. This paper will add further support to the idea that Chi is real yet non-physical but can still be studied and researched using western style research methodology. The closest analogy to this process is the medical research methodology taking place to understand the placebo effect and medical effectiveness of drugs.
Willis Harman, the President of the Institute of Noetic Sciences, has been writing and lecturing for years [1] that western science must formally open its doors to include subjective experience into the scientific process. This is specifically apropos for the scientific study of Chi, because as this paper describes, human subjects are currently the only measurement mechanism available for the detection of Chi. Leveraging off Eastern knowledge of Chi and integrating that information into a western model is very important to the process.
Understanding the importance of Chi by western science is a very important first step in the westernization of Chi knowledge. According to Eastern medical knowledge, Chi is an organizing field for life. To maintain good health, the correct balance of Chi must flow through our body just as one's body needs blood or cerebral fluid flowing through our body to stay alive. Good health is derived from the correct balance and flow of Chi.
The understanding that thoughts can direct and effect the flow of Chi, suggests that Chi, the mind, and consciousness are all intimately related. The understanding of this author is[2], if the mind is a non-local information field (rather than an energy field) then understanding more about Chi will lead us to better understanding about mind/consciousness, improved awareness, and improved health. This is the same results predicated from ancient Chi knowledge and supports their notion that Chi is an essential technology.
This case study assumes the theory that Chi and human consciousness consist of the same non-physical organizing field. This idea constitutes a rationale why humans are aware of Chi in the first place, and why it is important to use subject awareness of Chi as an essential measurement approach to the western scientific study of Chi. The third chapter will discuss in detail the fact that Chi truly exists but is non-physical and therefore Chi Generator technology is more than a possibility, but actually exists today.
Chi technology development has been going on the East for thousands of years. Now finally western scientists are combining the western and eastern world views to enable us to build Chi Generators. This technology development depends on human awareness of Chi, but also strongly suggests that a unified field theory, that includes western physics as well as Chi and consciousness, can ultimately be developed.
2.0 Human Awareness and Sensitivity to Chi
The major proof that Chi exists today is the fact that people are sensitive to Chi and describe it in consistent and repeatable terms across many subjects. This subjective experience is no different than people who are wine tasting experts with highly "calibrated tongues" or perfume experts with highly "calibrated noses". In fact, apprentices who have been trained to become very sensitive and aware of Chi are called Chi masters.
A Chi master named Dong Chen works with our development team and his knowledge and awareness of Chi is outstanding, just as the expertise of any world class athlete, musician, or expert is way beyond a typical person's ability. Western scientists must accept that Chi masters are the embodiment of far Eastern Chi knowledge handed down from generation to generation and start benefiting from their knowledge in a systemic study of Chi.
Human awareness of Chi falls into roughly three groups. First, there are people who have no awareness or sensitivity to Chi. It is possible that these people have belief systems that that actually inhibit the flow of Chi into their body. The second group is only slightly aware of Chi and they tend to be open to allowing Chi to flow through them. The third group consists of people who are extremely sensitive to and aware of Chi. Independent of Chi awareness is knowledge about Chi which can include identifying specific Chi patterns similar to how musicians can identify chords or movements from just hearing it.
Chi awareness comes naturally to some people and other people train themselves to be more Chi aware. Since Chi is a natural part of every persons' health, we can all be sensitized to become more Chi aware. The common way many people are already aware of Chi is through strong emotion such as love or hate. Laughter and love (or appreciation) causes the flow of Chi to increase and negative emotions tends to reduce the flow of Chi. When people give you attention they are actually giving you Chi, which makes you feel good.
Anytime you feel good, you are receiving more Chi and anytime you feel bad, your Chi flow is reduced. Exercise, walking outdoors, and breathing fresh air (filled with Chi) tends to invigorate the flow of Chi in people. People who do not know how to get Chi from the earth and the air tend to get Chi from other people by using a variety of attention getting behaviors. Meditation and Tai Chi exercises also stimulate the flow of Chi in people. Many books and seminars exist that teach people these techniques.
Once it is understood that people are aware of Chi, it is obvious that any western style double blind experiment regarding Chi (and absence of Chi) will be problematic. For example, double blind experiments that would test the medical effectiveness of Chi compared to the placebo effect (or no Chi) would not truly be double blind, because many people are directly aware of Chi. This kind of experimental protocol would only be double blind to the experimentalists who are steadfastly unaware of Chi. This understanding needs to be incorporated into research methodology on Chi.
In this regard, our research group called Seraph, is currently working on a "Receptivity Index" that could be given to subjects before and after experiments using Chi. This instrument would sample people's knowledge, awareness, and beliefs regarding Chi, which could be statistically significant to the research outcomes. This non-profit organization called, Seraph, promotes research and education about life-affirming technologies, such as the vital energy technology.
3.0 Chi Generator Technology
The newest avenue for increasing a person's Chi flow, awareness, and sensitivity is to use electronically generated Chi. Many research groups around the world are working on Chi generators. This paper will focus on only one technology and methodology effort, because much of this other work is very secretive. Generating meaningful Chi patterns is just like synthesizing music, because more complex patterns and chords are perceived by people as more pleasing. Just as playing a single note all the time leads to boredom, Chi needs variety and complexity to be meaningful and interesting to people.
This kind of complex Chi generator technology has been invented and developed over the last ten years by a Russian born physicist named Dr. Yury Khronos. Through his own awareness of Chi, Dr. Khronos has found meaningful patterns with various effects on people. For example he has a Chi pattern he calls Quiet Mind, that literally drives the brain state into low frequency theta brain waves and another that produces patterns for each chakra point. Dr. Khronos has developed over 50 different Chi patterns by himself. Dr. Khronos and Master Chen have created many more specific patterns since their collaboration last year.
Dr. Khronos' Chi generator contains two separate pieces of technology. The first is the programmable electronic Chi generation equipment and the second is the process for imprinting the Chi patterns onto normal magnetic audio tape. When Chi is generated and imprinted as a soundless pattern onto standard audio tape. The resulting tapes contain Chi patterns (plus added music) that can be played on standard audio equipment to reproduce the Chi. These "Vital Energy Tapes" are perceived to produce Chi that is identical to the original Chi generation machine. Both the Chi generator and tape imprint technologies are trade secret.
When playing the Vital Energy Tapes, the speakers' electromagnetics actually emit the Chi patterns, but the paper sound cones are not required since the Chi is not encoded as sound. Deaf people could also benefit from these tapes. Analysis of the tape containing Chi produces no perceivable output pattern from the tape. Chi is different from electromagnetics, but electromagnetics can be used as a carrier for Chi. One of the interesting results of these Vital Energy Tapes, is Chi aware people have reported they can benefit from the tapes just by carrying them around in their pocket. The atemporal aspects of Chi result in a static Chi field effect without even playing the tapes, but just holding them. See another paper at this conference [3] that describes the theoretical aspects of Chi in more detail.
Some people might ask, why do we need Chi generator technology when humans can already naturally use and access Chi from the world around us. Our answer to that is people are capable of doing simple math with pad & paper, but complex math problems are handled easier by calculators and computers. Another example is people can dig a ditch with a shovel but for very large jobs a backhoe is useful. Chi generators can be used as a tool for learning, just as biofeedback equipment are used to teach about other barely conscious physiological processes.
The goal is to use these tapes as a tool to aid in one's Chi awareness and knowledge, and not replace natural forms of Chi in nature. People who have used these tapes have written many letters to us describing how the Vital Energy Tapes help them to achieve states of awareness much more rapidly then they normally achieve by themselves during meditation. People who can see auras have reported seeing aura patterns emitting from the speakers while playing the Vital Energy Tapes.
Since these tapes can produce quite exaggerated states of awareness, we strongly recommend to never play them while driving a motor vehicle. Earphones should not be used with vital energy tapes, because the Chi would only be projected on the head. The Vital Energy Tapes are being marketed via a company called Convergent Systems, Inc. CSI has a web site at that contains more information about the sixteen different tapes currently being marketed. The Vital Energy Tapes contain energy on both sides plus music on one side. The Seraph group maintains the web site at and hosts CSI as well as several other groups working in this area.
Dr. Khronos has been giving seminars all over the country about his Vital Energy technology and tapes during the last five years. Time and time again he has demonstrated that people who are very aware of Chi instantly recognize the value of his work, and people who are less aware or have no awareness of Chi become interested in learning more about it. Chi generation technology is in it's infancy, and just as sound synthesizers became more sophisticated over time, so to will Chi generators become more sophisticated compared to theses early models.
This concludes the chapter on Chi Generator technology developed by Dr. Khronos. It is clear from this work that 1) Chi is very real yet non-physical 2) Chi generators are a reality today, 3) subject awareness of Chi is critical to this work, and 4) understanding about Chi technology and theory will lead to the next step of better formal models compatible with western physics as well as Chi detector technology.
4.0 Methodology for developing Chi patterns
Two methods were used to develop specific Chi patterns and both of them currently depend on human awareness or knowledge of Chi. The first method is the "Self Discovery" and the second is the "Chi master guided" method of rediscovery. Each of these will be described in detail in the next paragraphs in this chapter.
For many years, Dr. Khronos developed specific patterns by the "Self Discovery" method. This is equivalent to a self taught musician who must discover interesting chords and melodies without the aid of music or a professional music teacher. This effort was approached as scientifically as possible by using a volunteer team of Chi aware people to confirm the intent of the specific patterns generated.
Dr. Khronos would chose an on his equipment until he got the effect he was looking for. Then he would imprint some tapes with several similar Chi pattern and send the tapes to several volunteers who were usually not told what was the goal for the tape. He would take their feedback and additional impressions, and continue this process until satisfied with the result.
This "Self Discovery" method was not totally blind. Dr. Khronos used the knowledge from the Kabbalah to guide the patterns he used. Specifically he found that the Tree of Life has ten points (or circles) with each point representing a color, an emotion, a planet, and an element. As a physicist, he started exploring the Chi patterns that would represent the elements and this proved to be a successful approach. Many of the Vital energy tapes have sequences of Chi patterns with elemental frequencies. For example the tapes, Empathy contains the patterns of lithium and Energy Booster contains four different elemental energies.
This "Self Discovery" method served Dr. Khronos well during the early years. The "Chi master guided" method would prove to be the next giant step forward in the Chi technology methodology. Through their awareness and knowledge, Chi masters can directly recognize which Chi patterns correspond to the ancient acupuncture meridian system, as well as other schools of thought used for organizing Chi knowledge. These systems have been developed and standardized for thousands of years as a direct result of standardizing Chi awareness in the far East.
Systematically mapping Dr. Khronos' generator technology into these other Chi contexts is the current work being supported by Seraph. Using Dr. Khronos' same programmable equipment, these new Chi patterns will allow much of Chinese medicine (acupuncture, herbs, and homeopathy) to be recreated using complex synthesized Chi patterns. The patterns for non-intrusive acupuncture are a reality in the lab today as a result of Chi awareness of a Chi master. The next phase of this technology development will be clinical trials, and these trials need to start with qualified personnel and reputable medical facilities. Just as acupuncture therapists have done for thousands of years, human awareness of Chi will be useful in applying the right kind and amount of Chi in a clinical setting.
The benefit of the "Chi master guided" methodology over the "Self Discovery" is evident. Correlating ancient knowledge with modern technology and verifying the result using the very discriminating awareness of a Chi master leads to a very rapid technology development cycle. The only slowdown required in this process is the researchers may spend many hours every day under experimental Chi patterns. Just as bread is used to clean the palette between courses of a meal, the researchers must not be under these patterns all day, or it will effect the balance and awareness of their own systems strongly.
Awareness and knowledge go hand in hand through the technology development process for Chi. Chi generator technology development and clinical applications will continue to rely on human awareness of Chi, until such time other measurement technology is developed.
5.0 Conclusions
Chi exists as a natural part of our world and is very real even though it appears to be non-physical and western science does not currently understand it like they understand electromagnetics. Humans are naturally aware of Chi and when trained as an apprentice under a Chi master, they can develop exquisite awareness and knowledge of Chi. Human awareness of Chi is currently being used to develop and refine Chi patterns being produced by Chi generation equipment. During these early years of Chi generator development, subjective awareness of Chi is fundamental to the scientific process of westernizing Chi technology. Theoretical work regarding Chi as primarily an information field, is helping to make Chi comprehensible within the western scientific community. Ultimately the physics of Chi must rely on a unified field theory that comprehends quantum fields, gravity fields, Chi, and human consciousness.
[1] W. Harman, 1994, "Toward a Science of Consciousness: Addressing Two Central Questions", Toward a Science of Consciousness, MIT Press.
[2] D. Matzke, 1994, "Consciousness: a new computational paradigm", Toward a Science of Consciousness, MIT Press.
[3] D. Matzke, 1996, "Prediction: Future Electronic Systems Will be Disrupted Due To Consciousness ", Toward a Science of Consciousness 1996, Tucson II, University of Arizona.
Sunday, September 26, 2010
The Relative And The Absolute
Eywa = Atman, but a drop from the infinite ocean of brahman.
There is one absolute number; it is infinite (0/1)
There are infinite relative numbers; they are finite (1,2,3,..)
There is one absolute number; it is infinite (0/1)
There are infinite relative numbers; they are finite (1,2,3,..)
Friday, July 30, 2010
Time To Get Lyrical...
When the beat is ill, peoples neel
to the king from south Cranston to Beacon Hill
Calgary. Yea.. I put it on the map
cause I'm the cat that raps right and exact like
"DAMNNNN... that cats so savage"
lacing dirty beats, bouncing earth's axis
nicely. Far from average.
Battle kids spitting punchlines and then tattling...
...Yea they haggard as shit.
Grabbing their dicks like kidney stones all up in that shit...
My style stays laid back like bitches rubbing their clits...
First and foremost rhymes is foul as fuck
devouring much godly power and such.
Unravel the.. dismantle the
Bilderberg committee. whirlwind thru cities!
Walt Disney! Buz Aldrin! Calling
thirty-third degree agents. Free Masons
Be waiting. I'm two step ahead of em...
Sedating their drinks. Once sleeping heads I'm severing. the name of benevolence
Severance pay to the slaves of malevolence...
Misnaming humans with corporations
aimed at boosting paychecks improving relations
Abolishing laws of admiralty...
The savagest beat for the taking... happens to be
in the making day out and day in.
Emphasize my rhymes till the time i rise..
to higher levels of consciousness.
Aware of this conglomerate conscious shift
towards ego dissolution "auspicious, awesome bliss"
Awareness of Brahman, the source, Allah kin
of course impossible when self is tossed in.
The roster begins with monstrous men;
The annunaki from far beyond the moon in the sky.
Who am I? Lucid mind. Apprehension when rapping.
Inevitable network of flows yet to be tapped into.
Imagine the possible void of unstoppable
infinite potential blessed upon instrumentals.
There's a war goin on inside... in the mental.
To let go your mind's been thought detrimental.
Yet, terrestrial knowledge, extraterrestrial caucus.
Pay homage to great men, sages, druids and shamans...
Lost in space... Lost in consciousness...
Lost in taste, touch, sight, sound and scent...
Dharmaless... incense spark a mist.
Bodhidharma with hard to hit infantry...
The lotus leaves of the bodhi tree opens the
chakra system. Glistening. Virtuous awe.
Birth of the god-like prana striking meridians...
Calmed insight... A kid again...
Psychedelic cadence and jazz bass & metre.
Funk drums & hits and tango vibes be the
sound of the gulliest... Good golly it's the
cat with the sound that pounds
to makes your ears blister...
Rip the vintage records straight from vinyl
I'll be coppin loops that stomp em fools with awkward views
Your optical trio be all seeing...
Be illogical. I would've worked on
elementary tactics slapping rappers backwards silly.
Slapstick humour used to be my fast-fix lure
from plastic reality so seemingly past-tense is what I be.
Suddenly... as if nothing seemed plausible
audible lessons dressed in hippie attire
caught my eye. Thoughts despised by authority
lord of the flies style of ordering lives
immorally. I like normandy
horde the truth. Look through loose files.
Snoops bios. The X-files.
Then smile... Knowing how seeing is believing
Piecing pieces frequently and seeing history repeating...
Each civilization on earth honors corporations...
over homosapiens...
Taking in countless dollars of wealth.
A false love for self when the cards are dealt...
Charge the helpless with bargained felted tip fines..
Waste their non-detained time...
Harassing em. Taking all fines and transferring
em into private asset firms.
Under the acronym CAFR
which then stands for
The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
It's time to settle the score
and stop this fraud it's manipulating markets...
in the stock exchange. Guard your change
from the marksman's game...
to the king from south Cranston to Beacon Hill
Calgary. Yea.. I put it on the map
cause I'm the cat that raps right and exact like
"DAMNNNN... that cats so savage"
lacing dirty beats, bouncing earth's axis
nicely. Far from average.
Battle kids spitting punchlines and then tattling...
...Yea they haggard as shit.
Grabbing their dicks like kidney stones all up in that shit...
My style stays laid back like bitches rubbing their clits...
First and foremost rhymes is foul as fuck
devouring much godly power and such.
Unravel the.. dismantle the
Bilderberg committee. whirlwind thru cities!
Walt Disney! Buz Aldrin! Calling
thirty-third degree agents. Free Masons
Be waiting. I'm two step ahead of em...
Sedating their drinks. Once sleeping heads I'm severing. the name of benevolence
Severance pay to the slaves of malevolence...
Misnaming humans with corporations
aimed at boosting paychecks improving relations
Abolishing laws of admiralty...
The savagest beat for the taking... happens to be
in the making day out and day in.
Emphasize my rhymes till the time i rise..
to higher levels of consciousness.
Aware of this conglomerate conscious shift
towards ego dissolution "auspicious, awesome bliss"
Awareness of Brahman, the source, Allah kin
of course impossible when self is tossed in.
The roster begins with monstrous men;
The annunaki from far beyond the moon in the sky.
Who am I? Lucid mind. Apprehension when rapping.
Inevitable network of flows yet to be tapped into.
Imagine the possible void of unstoppable
infinite potential blessed upon instrumentals.
There's a war goin on inside... in the mental.
To let go your mind's been thought detrimental.
Yet, terrestrial knowledge, extraterrestrial caucus.
Pay homage to great men, sages, druids and shamans...
Lost in space... Lost in consciousness...
Lost in taste, touch, sight, sound and scent...
Dharmaless... incense spark a mist.
Bodhidharma with hard to hit infantry...
The lotus leaves of the bodhi tree opens the
chakra system. Glistening. Virtuous awe.
Birth of the god-like prana striking meridians...
Calmed insight... A kid again...
Psychedelic cadence and jazz bass & metre.
Funk drums & hits and tango vibes be the
sound of the gulliest... Good golly it's the
cat with the sound that pounds
to makes your ears blister...
Rip the vintage records straight from vinyl
I'll be coppin loops that stomp em fools with awkward views
Your optical trio be all seeing...
Be illogical. I would've worked on
elementary tactics slapping rappers backwards silly.
Slapstick humour used to be my fast-fix lure
from plastic reality so seemingly past-tense is what I be.
Suddenly... as if nothing seemed plausible
audible lessons dressed in hippie attire
caught my eye. Thoughts despised by authority
lord of the flies style of ordering lives
immorally. I like normandy
horde the truth. Look through loose files.
Snoops bios. The X-files.
Then smile... Knowing how seeing is believing
Piecing pieces frequently and seeing history repeating...
Each civilization on earth honors corporations...
over homosapiens...
Taking in countless dollars of wealth.
A false love for self when the cards are dealt...
Charge the helpless with bargained felted tip fines..
Waste their non-detained time...
Harassing em. Taking all fines and transferring
em into private asset firms.
Under the acronym CAFR
which then stands for
The Comprehensive Annual Financial Report.
It's time to settle the score
and stop this fraud it's manipulating markets...
in the stock exchange. Guard your change
from the marksman's game...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Quotations Of The Late Albert Einstein (1879-1955)

"Any fool can make this bigger, more complex, and more violent. It takes a touch of genius - and a lot of courage - to move in the opposite direction."
"Great spirits have always found violent opposition from mediocrities. The latter cannot understand it when a man does not thoughtlessly submit to hereditary prejudices but honestly and courageously uses his intelligence."
"The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education."
"A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new."
"A question that sometimes drives me hazy: am I or are the others crazy?"
"All religions, arts and sciences are branches of the same tree."
"Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment. Most people are even incapable of forming such opinions."
"God always takes the simplest way."
"God does not play dice."
"Heroism on command, senseless violence, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of patriotism - how passionately I hate them!"
"I am a deeply religious nonbeliever - this is a somewhat new kind of religion."
"I cannot imagine a God who rewards and punishes the objects of his creation and is but a reflection of human frailty. "
"I never think of the future - it comes soon enough."
"I used to go away for weeks in a state of confusion."
"If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough."
"Imagination is more important than knowledge."
"It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education."
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better."
"Morality is of the highest importance - but for us, not for God."
"No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it."
"Nothing is more destructive of respect for the government and the law of the land than passing laws which cannot be enforced."
"Occurrences in this domain are beyond the reach of exact prediction because of the variety of factors in operation, not because of any lack of order in nature."
"Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one."
"Science is a wonderful thing if one does not have to earn one's living at it."
"The faster you go, the shorter you are."
"The hardest thing to understand in the world is the income tax."
"The only reason for time is so that everything doesn't happen at once."
"The only source of knowledge is experience."
"The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources."
"There comes a time when the mind takes a higher plane of knowledge but can never prove how it got there."
~Albert Einstein
Thursday, May 13, 2010
R.I.P. Arcanegel, you'll be missed. Props to all you brought to hip hop, it wouldn't be close to as ill without you. You were one real mother fucking lyricist. I looked up to you a lot lyrically.
Fuck a moment of silence... Lets have a day of Arcanegel.
Fuck a moment of silence... Lets have a day of Arcanegel.
Cane Corso,
Cane Corso Records,
Hip Hop,
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
These initial fields appear as a fractal involved series of harmonic radiant energy fields, like bubbles within bubbles within bubbles, that descend from near infinite to near zero frequency spectrum phase order to our lowest order physical/material spacetime (which total physical spacetime is analogous and corresponding to the fractal involved highest order fields of overall cosmic spacetime).
Since these ZPE-originated fields are located everywhere (in the Planck false vacuum) and their ultimate radial extension is infinite — they interpenetrate each other in the vast sea of pulsating cosmic spacetime… And, together, constitute the basis of our holographic universe...
Note that all radiant electrodynamic fields, within any frequency spectrum phase order, must have a series of fractal harmonics extending throughout its entire spectral range, which also resonates with all other (higher and lower) phase order fields — and that all information is carried on such fields as modulated wave interference patterns — so that, once recorded, no information is ever lost.
Since all structural information is contained in the infinite spin-momentum (singularity) source of all (harmonic) fractal involved cosmic fields, along with all particle standing waves (as well as all their formative combination's and permutations) at different frequency phase orders... And since all information is transformed from field to field by phase conjugate adaptive resonance... The entire physical universe we experience (at the fourth lowest phase order of the third fractal involution of the cosmos) — is a hologram.
On our physical/material level or plane — this fundamental octave enfolded hyperspherical (toroidal) harmonic structure of all hyperspace and metric space/energy field/forms in total physical/material spacetime (originating from its own “singularity”—ref: General Relativity) — is the basis of all generation of ZPE fields radiating from the center of origin of all physical forms — beginning with the smallest sub-quantum particle and extending to the largest galaxy, as well as each human being.
All such fields are also electrodynamic in nature (Ref: Maxwell, Coulomb, Faraday, Ampere equations), Consequently, all structural, memory and mental information is carried as holographically encoded wave interference patterns on the surface of such fields… And transmitted, through descending hyperspace field phase orders to their common zero-point center of consciousness, by phase conjugate adaptive resonance processes.
Thus, Mind itself (in the case of human thought) is one of those hyperspace fields linked coenergetically (resonantly) with the brain’s radiant EM fields… With long term, archetypal, and species memory stored in adjacent higher order coenergetic hyperspace fields (ref: string theory).
At the first moment of cosmogenesis (“big bang” as science sees it) — the initial highest frequency/energy phase order (spiritual) triune fields of spacetime, fractally involve, and descend in orderly frequency-energy phase orders, stepping down from near infinite frequency spectrum’s to near zero — after emanating from the *singularity* of general relativity… Whose dual inherent qualities, at its zero-point center of origin (absolute space) — are both, *potential* subjective consciousness and *potential* objective *matter*.
(Note that only this eternal, unconditioned “absolute space” is forever ineffable — but once manifest or emanated and radiated in time, everything, thereafter, is subject to logical scientific-philosophical investigation and explanation)
This source of everything in our physical-phenomenal hyperspace and metric space-time is the timeless and dimensionless zero-point center and surrounding infinite spin momentum, (G-force or “spinergy*) of unconditioned and eternal Absolute SPACE. This primal space remains, ubiquitously, in our lower order physical/material spacetime, as the zero-point center of “spinergy” at the origin (singularity) of every radiant field, fundamental particle and physical form — up to the largest galaxy, quasar, black hole, etc. Einstein labeled this ubiquitous source of ZPE, “aether” or ” total space.”
It is this Absolute SPACE that is both the creative force (conscious will) and the receptive womb (infinite spin momentum on triple perpendicular sets of infinite spherical axes) that constitutes the “cosmic eggs” out of which all subsequent universes, with their metaphysical hyperspace and physical metric space fields, fractal involve… And, after descending to the lowest order physical space (at the third fractal iteration) — subsequently evolve, simply and directly (by natural selection, possibly guided by morphogenetic fields (ref: Sheldrake) linked to fundamental consciousness along with stored memory of previous life forms)… With our cosmos being only one of those infinite “parallel” universes… With the same fundamental cyclic and electrodynamic laws, rooted in primal spin momentum, governing each of them.
Thus, everything (including all multidimensional space-time fields and all matter-energy forms) throughout all spherically manifest SPACE-TIME universes, are cyclic in nature, appear and disappear periodically, and their harmonic field involutions are essentially analogous and corresponding — in accord with holographic principles and the universal laws of electrodynamics… All, based on the ubiquitous fractal topological geometry and the fundamental spin momentum of every-zero-point “singularity” throughout “total space” (including “hyperspace” of string theory and metric spacetime of general relativity [GRT])…
Therefore, since consciousness is the fundamental quality of the zero-point center of spin momentum in absolute space — each such “singularity” is potentially conscious as is every zero-point center of all fractal involved information/energy fields radiating from it, ad infinitum.
Note that the central spiral vortex crossover point (analogous to all adjoining toroidal fractal involved fields) is what modern string and quantum physicists might call a “twistor” or a “wormhole” in our total physical spacetime.
The following is a cross-section diagram of how all energy fields (starting with cosmogenesis) radiate analogously as a fractal harmonic series of linearly woven hyper-spheres (double helix spiral vortex toroid) — one inside the other, like interpenetrating bubbles, within bubbles, within bubbles.
This fundamental structure of spacetime includes all non local zero-point fields, radiated from the ZPE at the Planck level, that generate and empower, all the black hole centers of every galaxy, star, planet, organism, organ, cell, virus, down to each fundamental quantum and sub quantum particle (standing-wave) — along with all the electrodynamic radiant fields of metric space and hyperspace in our physical spacetime realm.
Thus, all consciousness (awareness, will, qualia, detection, perception, discernment, discrimination, decision, etc.) is located at the ubiquitous source of all ZPE fields… And all information of consciousness is carried, transformed and transmitted as holographic wave interference patterns on the surfaces of such hyperspace fields… With the entire universe and all the structures within it, essentially a hologram… And with all information of consciousness (both efferent and afferent, or willful and perceptible) carried as AM/FM modulated wave interference patterns on the surface of the higher order coenergetic fields. Such information can be transmitted from one harmonic fractal involved field to the other, by phase conjugate adaptive resonance… (Note the analogy to musical sound and color spectrum’s on the physical level.)
All such information is also reflected in the EM fields of the brain whose malleable neural network serves as the material/physical/chemical link between the senses, neuromuscular system, and the mind and memory fields. The brain also is the CPU and controller of all the autonomic life support systems within the corporeal body. In itself, the brain is entirely unconscious — except for the subliminal cellular awareness each neuron has of their own individual conditions.
All such information of consciousness (either as neurologically transformed sensory or as stored memory field images) can be holographically reconstructed, detected and perceived as qualia by the zero-point of awareness at the image carrier field’s center of origin — solely by reflection of appropriate higher order coherent radiation, projected willfully from the spin-momentum (spinergy) surrounding each point of sensory perception. This willful projection also is linked to the control of attention — which in the case of vision, automatically directs the saccades, binocular convergence, and focus of the eyes — in conjunction with the neural processing, hard wire-linked everywhere throughout the body, along with the learned control of all intricate and subtle muscle movements at the level of “cell memory”. In addition, the malleable neurology, through repetitive training, reinforces the will directed neuromuscular energy channels. This cellular memory and neural channeling easily explains how a musician can play a practiced musical piece, once thoroughly learned, without any conscious thought or perceptive attention to the body or the instrument. Note that our appreciation of music and our emotional and physical response to it is also based on cellular memory, that may even go as deep as our DNA memory… As evidenced by our body’s pleasurable responses to tonal music (harmonics, resonance, etc.) and rhythm — which (as massage, acupuncture, acupressure, tapping, etc.) can also be used as a medium of healing.
Thus, we see and hear from a point in the center of our head, feel pain at the point of trauma, experience taste on the tongue, smell in the nose, touch on the skin, etc, — with all such zero-points of awareness entangled with the central zero-point of our individual self or “I AM” consciousness — located in the primal neural plexus at the naval chakra center of the overall, highest frequency phase order (spiritual) field that surrounds and permeates all inner organ and cellular physical fields, along with their harmonic hyperspace fields.
This highest order field center is also linked to the respiratory system, and at another frequency-energy phase order, controls the heart beat. And, the overall series of higher order fields are equivalent to the undetectable “prana” or “chi” energy fields used in Chinese tai chi chuan and chi gong/acupuncture, as well as aryavedic medicine and vipassana yoga healing techniques. Thus, everything is interconnected at the level of zero-point consciousness, as well as (on the level of information) through inter-field resonance.
Therefore, right from the primal beginning, everything (including spacetime itself) is electrodynamic in fundamental nature, and all the laws of electricity, harmony, resonance, capacitance, resistance, inductance, etc, as well as thermodynamics (on the metric physical material levels) universally underlie all the laws of nature.
That is the true meaning of the phrase “mind over matter”, and explains all placebo effects, blind sight, phantom limb, near death experience (NDE), out of body experiences (OOBE), déjà vu, and many other observed psychic powers and phenomena’s — that are unsatisfactorily explained, or entirely unexplained by conventional reductive science.
As I see it — which incidentally, doesn’t contradict any valid or *proven* physics… It’s these fundamental laws of cycles, rooted in original spin (pun intended;-) that are also the basis of all mathematically described quantum dynamics, and the origin of all cosmic matter-energy fields and their forms and effects, that are postulated in superstring/M theories, and other, as yet unfalsifiable multidimensional hyperspace (ether) field, plasma field, quantum field, holographic paradigm, micro-particle theories, etc.
As presented here, the ABC model apparently synthesizes all these scientific theories along with all philosophies (that are proven to be true) with “religion” or the re-tying, re-joining or yoking of our individual consciousness with the all wise, all knowing, all present God, deific principle, or cosmic consciousness — that initiates each cycle of cosmic life.
IOW, the cosmos and God are one relatively eternal being… And we each, as a microcosm, are the mirrors of the macrocosm, and destined (as it is) to be reborn again and again — until the lesson is learned, and we return to the source.
Thus, our conscious souls (the surrounding triune monadic fields constituting our higher self) or who/what we are — remain forever an analogous and corresponding image of the cosmic primal fields of consciousness — as consciously and unconsciously experienced periodically by each of us during this cycle of a day in its year of life on Earth in this Solar System … With all existences at any level of reality, conforming to the fundamental laws of cycles and periodicity (rooted in ubiquitous primal spin momentum)… Such that, spirit tends to materialize, and material tends to spiritualize — periodically.
Since these ZPE-originated fields are located everywhere (in the Planck false vacuum) and their ultimate radial extension is infinite — they interpenetrate each other in the vast sea of pulsating cosmic spacetime… And, together, constitute the basis of our holographic universe...
Note that all radiant electrodynamic fields, within any frequency spectrum phase order, must have a series of fractal harmonics extending throughout its entire spectral range, which also resonates with all other (higher and lower) phase order fields — and that all information is carried on such fields as modulated wave interference patterns — so that, once recorded, no information is ever lost.
Since all structural information is contained in the infinite spin-momentum (singularity) source of all (harmonic) fractal involved cosmic fields, along with all particle standing waves (as well as all their formative combination's and permutations) at different frequency phase orders... And since all information is transformed from field to field by phase conjugate adaptive resonance... The entire physical universe we experience (at the fourth lowest phase order of the third fractal involution of the cosmos) — is a hologram.
On our physical/material level or plane — this fundamental octave enfolded hyperspherical (toroidal) harmonic structure of all hyperspace and metric space/energy field/forms in total physical/material spacetime (originating from its own “singularity”—ref: General Relativity) — is the basis of all generation of ZPE fields radiating from the center of origin of all physical forms — beginning with the smallest sub-quantum particle and extending to the largest galaxy, as well as each human being.
All such fields are also electrodynamic in nature (Ref: Maxwell, Coulomb, Faraday, Ampere equations), Consequently, all structural, memory and mental information is carried as holographically encoded wave interference patterns on the surface of such fields… And transmitted, through descending hyperspace field phase orders to their common zero-point center of consciousness, by phase conjugate adaptive resonance processes.
Thus, Mind itself (in the case of human thought) is one of those hyperspace fields linked coenergetically (resonantly) with the brain’s radiant EM fields… With long term, archetypal, and species memory stored in adjacent higher order coenergetic hyperspace fields (ref: string theory).
At the first moment of cosmogenesis (“big bang” as science sees it) — the initial highest frequency/energy phase order (spiritual) triune fields of spacetime, fractally involve, and descend in orderly frequency-energy phase orders, stepping down from near infinite frequency spectrum’s to near zero — after emanating from the *singularity* of general relativity… Whose dual inherent qualities, at its zero-point center of origin (absolute space) — are both, *potential* subjective consciousness and *potential* objective *matter*.
(Note that only this eternal, unconditioned “absolute space” is forever ineffable — but once manifest or emanated and radiated in time, everything, thereafter, is subject to logical scientific-philosophical investigation and explanation)
This source of everything in our physical-phenomenal hyperspace and metric space-time is the timeless and dimensionless zero-point center and surrounding infinite spin momentum, (G-force or “spinergy*) of unconditioned and eternal Absolute SPACE. This primal space remains, ubiquitously, in our lower order physical/material spacetime, as the zero-point center of “spinergy” at the origin (singularity) of every radiant field, fundamental particle and physical form — up to the largest galaxy, quasar, black hole, etc. Einstein labeled this ubiquitous source of ZPE, “aether” or ” total space.”
It is this Absolute SPACE that is both the creative force (conscious will) and the receptive womb (infinite spin momentum on triple perpendicular sets of infinite spherical axes) that constitutes the “cosmic eggs” out of which all subsequent universes, with their metaphysical hyperspace and physical metric space fields, fractal involve… And, after descending to the lowest order physical space (at the third fractal iteration) — subsequently evolve, simply and directly (by natural selection, possibly guided by morphogenetic fields (ref: Sheldrake) linked to fundamental consciousness along with stored memory of previous life forms)… With our cosmos being only one of those infinite “parallel” universes… With the same fundamental cyclic and electrodynamic laws, rooted in primal spin momentum, governing each of them.
Thus, everything (including all multidimensional space-time fields and all matter-energy forms) throughout all spherically manifest SPACE-TIME universes, are cyclic in nature, appear and disappear periodically, and their harmonic field involutions are essentially analogous and corresponding — in accord with holographic principles and the universal laws of electrodynamics… All, based on the ubiquitous fractal topological geometry and the fundamental spin momentum of every-zero-point “singularity” throughout “total space” (including “hyperspace” of string theory and metric spacetime of general relativity [GRT])…
Therefore, since consciousness is the fundamental quality of the zero-point center of spin momentum in absolute space — each such “singularity” is potentially conscious as is every zero-point center of all fractal involved information/energy fields radiating from it, ad infinitum.
Note that the central spiral vortex crossover point (analogous to all adjoining toroidal fractal involved fields) is what modern string and quantum physicists might call a “twistor” or a “wormhole” in our total physical spacetime.
The following is a cross-section diagram of how all energy fields (starting with cosmogenesis) radiate analogously as a fractal harmonic series of linearly woven hyper-spheres (double helix spiral vortex toroid) — one inside the other, like interpenetrating bubbles, within bubbles, within bubbles.
This fundamental structure of spacetime includes all non local zero-point fields, radiated from the ZPE at the Planck level, that generate and empower, all the black hole centers of every galaxy, star, planet, organism, organ, cell, virus, down to each fundamental quantum and sub quantum particle (standing-wave) — along with all the electrodynamic radiant fields of metric space and hyperspace in our physical spacetime realm.
Thus, all consciousness (awareness, will, qualia, detection, perception, discernment, discrimination, decision, etc.) is located at the ubiquitous source of all ZPE fields… And all information of consciousness is carried, transformed and transmitted as holographic wave interference patterns on the surfaces of such hyperspace fields… With the entire universe and all the structures within it, essentially a hologram… And with all information of consciousness (both efferent and afferent, or willful and perceptible) carried as AM/FM modulated wave interference patterns on the surface of the higher order coenergetic fields. Such information can be transmitted from one harmonic fractal involved field to the other, by phase conjugate adaptive resonance… (Note the analogy to musical sound and color spectrum’s on the physical level.)
All such information is also reflected in the EM fields of the brain whose malleable neural network serves as the material/physical/chemical link between the senses, neuromuscular system, and the mind and memory fields. The brain also is the CPU and controller of all the autonomic life support systems within the corporeal body. In itself, the brain is entirely unconscious — except for the subliminal cellular awareness each neuron has of their own individual conditions.
All such information of consciousness (either as neurologically transformed sensory or as stored memory field images) can be holographically reconstructed, detected and perceived as qualia by the zero-point of awareness at the image carrier field’s center of origin — solely by reflection of appropriate higher order coherent radiation, projected willfully from the spin-momentum (spinergy) surrounding each point of sensory perception. This willful projection also is linked to the control of attention — which in the case of vision, automatically directs the saccades, binocular convergence, and focus of the eyes — in conjunction with the neural processing, hard wire-linked everywhere throughout the body, along with the learned control of all intricate and subtle muscle movements at the level of “cell memory”. In addition, the malleable neurology, through repetitive training, reinforces the will directed neuromuscular energy channels. This cellular memory and neural channeling easily explains how a musician can play a practiced musical piece, once thoroughly learned, without any conscious thought or perceptive attention to the body or the instrument. Note that our appreciation of music and our emotional and physical response to it is also based on cellular memory, that may even go as deep as our DNA memory… As evidenced by our body’s pleasurable responses to tonal music (harmonics, resonance, etc.) and rhythm — which (as massage, acupuncture, acupressure, tapping, etc.) can also be used as a medium of healing.
Thus, we see and hear from a point in the center of our head, feel pain at the point of trauma, experience taste on the tongue, smell in the nose, touch on the skin, etc, — with all such zero-points of awareness entangled with the central zero-point of our individual self or “I AM” consciousness — located in the primal neural plexus at the naval chakra center of the overall, highest frequency phase order (spiritual) field that surrounds and permeates all inner organ and cellular physical fields, along with their harmonic hyperspace fields.
This highest order field center is also linked to the respiratory system, and at another frequency-energy phase order, controls the heart beat. And, the overall series of higher order fields are equivalent to the undetectable “prana” or “chi” energy fields used in Chinese tai chi chuan and chi gong/acupuncture, as well as aryavedic medicine and vipassana yoga healing techniques. Thus, everything is interconnected at the level of zero-point consciousness, as well as (on the level of information) through inter-field resonance.
Therefore, right from the primal beginning, everything (including spacetime itself) is electrodynamic in fundamental nature, and all the laws of electricity, harmony, resonance, capacitance, resistance, inductance, etc, as well as thermodynamics (on the metric physical material levels) universally underlie all the laws of nature.
That is the true meaning of the phrase “mind over matter”, and explains all placebo effects, blind sight, phantom limb, near death experience (NDE), out of body experiences (OOBE), déjà vu, and many other observed psychic powers and phenomena’s — that are unsatisfactorily explained, or entirely unexplained by conventional reductive science.
As I see it — which incidentally, doesn’t contradict any valid or *proven* physics… It’s these fundamental laws of cycles, rooted in original spin (pun intended;-) that are also the basis of all mathematically described quantum dynamics, and the origin of all cosmic matter-energy fields and their forms and effects, that are postulated in superstring/M theories, and other, as yet unfalsifiable multidimensional hyperspace (ether) field, plasma field, quantum field, holographic paradigm, micro-particle theories, etc.
As presented here, the ABC model apparently synthesizes all these scientific theories along with all philosophies (that are proven to be true) with “religion” or the re-tying, re-joining or yoking of our individual consciousness with the all wise, all knowing, all present God, deific principle, or cosmic consciousness — that initiates each cycle of cosmic life.
IOW, the cosmos and God are one relatively eternal being… And we each, as a microcosm, are the mirrors of the macrocosm, and destined (as it is) to be reborn again and again — until the lesson is learned, and we return to the source.
Thus, our conscious souls (the surrounding triune monadic fields constituting our higher self) or who/what we are — remain forever an analogous and corresponding image of the cosmic primal fields of consciousness — as consciously and unconsciously experienced periodically by each of us during this cycle of a day in its year of life on Earth in this Solar System … With all existences at any level of reality, conforming to the fundamental laws of cycles and periodicity (rooted in ubiquitous primal spin momentum)… Such that, spirit tends to materialize, and material tends to spiritualize — periodically.
Thursday, April 29, 2010
My Soulmate
To my very eyes, is it true that I have found
the wonderful one that loves and needs
as much as I do her?
If only I could remove the mirror...
The mirror that separates yet astonishes each.
The mirror which manifests the face of "what are the odds?" or "how could this be?"
When all along it remains
a holographic, side-less reflection perceived by both sides.
What I would do to episode
you and I as one.
You and I no longer.
Just a fateful pound of flax.
the wonderful one that loves and needs
as much as I do her?
If only I could remove the mirror...
The mirror that separates yet astonishes each.
The mirror which manifests the face of "what are the odds?" or "how could this be?"
When all along it remains
a holographic, side-less reflection perceived by both sides.
What I would do to episode
you and I as one.
You and I no longer.
Just a fateful pound of flax.
A look at the fundamental root of existence based upon many different schools of thought:
Quantum Physics
1. Universal Vacuum (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. Boson Energy Field (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. Universal Holarchy Of Systems (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Individual Consciousness (Subjective, Relative Ego-manufactured) (-)
Stochastic Electrodynamics
1. Universal Vacuum (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. Zero Point Field (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. Universal Holarchy Of Systems (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Individual Consciousness (-)
1. Brahman (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. Ishvara (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. Trimurti (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Atman (Individual Consciousness) (-)
1. Shunyata (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. Dharmakaya (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. Trikaya (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Individual Consciousness (-)
1. Wu Chi (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. Yin & Yang (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. Tai Chi (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Individual Consciousness (-)
1. Ein-Sof (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. Kether (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. Tree Of Life (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Individual Conscioussness (-)
1. The Root (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. Pleroma (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. Aeons (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Individual Consciousness (-)
Christian Mysticism
1. Abysal Sea (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. God (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. The Trinity (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Individual Consciousness (-)
1. Tawa OR Taiowa
2. Sotuknang
3. Four Worlds
4. Individual Consciousness
1. Oludumare
2. Odu & Amulu
3. Orisha & Ajogun
4. Individual Consciousness
1. Tum (0)
2. Atum-Khephrer-Ra (1)
3. Neters (∞)
4. Individual Consciousness
Individual consciousness is operationally inseparable from reality because we are limited in our knowledge of either to our self-referential experiences.
"Noumenal reality (i.e. objective reality) is unknowable. Only phenomenal reality, subjective reality is knowable. Consciousness is structured from this subject/object relationship."
~ Kant
"Reality is understood only through our self-referential consciousness-of-experience. “Ego-cogitum-cogitatum” I (ego) have volition/knowledge of (cogitum) an object (cogitatum)."
~ Husserl
"objective reality is a self-referential picture of something the existence of which we cannot possess. “reality and …experience are one.”"
~ James
"we have no more reason to posit the existence of matter than suggest that reality existed entirely as an idea in the mind of god."
~ Berkeley
"We are biased in favor of physical existence."
~ Merleau-Ponty
"we only know what we experience – fundamental premise for empiricism."
~ Hume
As consciousness and reality are operationally inseparable and as consensual evidence suggests that individual consciousness is a product of reality’s cosmic differentiation process, we can further suggest that they reflect a single self-directed process at different orders of magnitude. In mathematics a complex process that is self-directed and self-similar at multiple orders of magnitude is called a fractal.
Quantum Physics
1. Universal Vacuum (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. Boson Energy Field (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. Universal Holarchy Of Systems (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Individual Consciousness (Subjective, Relative Ego-manufactured) (-)
Stochastic Electrodynamics
1. Universal Vacuum (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. Zero Point Field (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. Universal Holarchy Of Systems (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Individual Consciousness (-)
1. Brahman (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. Ishvara (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. Trimurti (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Atman (Individual Consciousness) (-)
1. Shunyata (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. Dharmakaya (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. Trikaya (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Individual Consciousness (-)
1. Wu Chi (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. Yin & Yang (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. Tai Chi (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Individual Consciousness (-)
1. Ein-Sof (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. Kether (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. Tree Of Life (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Individual Conscioussness (-)
1. The Root (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. Pleroma (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. Aeons (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Individual Consciousness (-)
Christian Mysticism
1. Abysal Sea (Void/Emptiness) (0)
2. God (Infinite Potential) (1)
3. The Trinity (All/Everything/Infinite Complexity) (∞)
4. Individual Consciousness (-)
1. Tawa OR Taiowa
2. Sotuknang
3. Four Worlds
4. Individual Consciousness
1. Oludumare
2. Odu & Amulu
3. Orisha & Ajogun
4. Individual Consciousness
1. Tum (0)
2. Atum-Khephrer-Ra (1)
3. Neters (∞)
4. Individual Consciousness
Individual consciousness is operationally inseparable from reality because we are limited in our knowledge of either to our self-referential experiences.
"Noumenal reality (i.e. objective reality) is unknowable. Only phenomenal reality, subjective reality is knowable. Consciousness is structured from this subject/object relationship."
~ Kant
"Reality is understood only through our self-referential consciousness-of-experience. “Ego-cogitum-cogitatum” I (ego) have volition/knowledge of (cogitum) an object (cogitatum)."
~ Husserl
"objective reality is a self-referential picture of something the existence of which we cannot possess. “reality and …experience are one.”"
~ James
"we have no more reason to posit the existence of matter than suggest that reality existed entirely as an idea in the mind of god."
~ Berkeley
"We are biased in favor of physical existence."
~ Merleau-Ponty
"we only know what we experience – fundamental premise for empiricism."
~ Hume
As consciousness and reality are operationally inseparable and as consensual evidence suggests that individual consciousness is a product of reality’s cosmic differentiation process, we can further suggest that they reflect a single self-directed process at different orders of magnitude. In mathematics a complex process that is self-directed and self-similar at multiple orders of magnitude is called a fractal.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Sunday, March 28, 2010
Modern Money Mechanics
When we refuse to pay a bill requested by a bank for our labour-earned profit in exchange for their monetized credit (aka nothing) i.e. a credit card bill, we are not acting in any way unlawful. In fact, by not contracting with these fraudulent theives we are upholding the law. The banks cannot validate the debt because they never sustained a loss; they cannot verify any claim against us because we are not the NAME in which the banks are billing. They cannot produce a copy of the contract because one doesn't exist. What exists is an unenforceable UNIlateral contract. What the bank refers to as 'your contract with us' is not a valid BIlateral agreement since the four requirements of a lawful, binding contract were not met on the credit card 'application', namely:
1. Full Disclosure (we are not told that we are creating the credit with our signature);
2. Equal Consideration (they bring nothing to the table, hence they have nothing to lose);
3. Lawful Terms and Conditions (they are based upon fraud); and
4. Signatures of the Parties / Meeting of the Minds (corporations cannot sign because they have no right, or mind, to contract as they are legal FICTIONS)
"The actual process of money creation takes place primarily in banks ... bankers discovered that they could make loans merely by giving their promise to pay (the fractional reserve system), or 'bank notes', to borrowers. In this way banks began to CREATE money. Transaction deposits are the modern counterpart of bank notes. It was a small step from printing notes to making book entries crediting deposits of borrowers, which the borrowers in turn could 'spend' by writing checks, thereby 'printing' their own money."
'Real' money does not exist anymore; for money to be 'real' it must be based upon substance i.e. gold, silver, etc. What we think of as 'real' money is only borrowed into existence; it doen't exist until someone borrows it. If in this debt-based economy all that exists is the money that is borrowed, then where is the 'interest'? It doesn't exist. Because the supply of our conceptual dollar must constantly increase to attempt to fill in the hole that 'interest' creates, The value of what we call our 'intrinsic wealth' must become devalued and this is why we have inflation. The currency we use is based upon our FUTURE labour which the money issuer has promised to the banksters. It also does not yet exist. Future generations are already enslaved to pay debt which does not exist. Plus how can we pay debt with something of no substance value?
What if you found out that everything you ever needed or wanted was already paid for? - that you didn't OWE anyone anything? When you go into a store to buy a book and you pay in whatever manner you choose, what do you get for the payment? No, not the book; you get a receipt. The evidence for this is that the dollar amount on the receipt matches precisely the dollar amount on your payment. It is an exact exchange. The book is not even part of the equation. It was pre-paid; all you did was go to the store to claim and retrieve it. In order to understand the concept of ‘pre-paid’, imagine this:
Suppose you want to open a restaurant and you just need another $10,000 and so you ask a friend to lend it to you. Knowing that there is no money and the currency your friend has is essentially worthless compared to what he truly wants in his life, he sure wouldn’t mind lending it to you. So after a couple of months you ashamedly go to him and say that there is no way you can ever pay him back, what with interest and all, yet you are so ingratiated to him you tell him that he can eat in your restaurant any time he wants – for free. Not only that but also you would be so grateful if he would because, alas, it would assuage your guilt. All he is required to do when the waiter presents him with an itemization of his meal is to sign it; he is not required to pay for his meal – its ‘prepaid’.
In the same way, our bills are already paid and, in fact, the corporate entity which is billing us would be only too grateful if we would take advantage of our having prepaid them because then they wouldn’t have to pay the tax on the money we send them. So all that is required of us is to sign the invoice and return it to them. The telephone company is funded by the government; you and I, and everyone who has a birth certificate or socialist number have funded the government. So, we have an ‘exemption’ the same way your friend is exempted from paying for his meals at your restaurant. Why is the telephone company sending us a statement (not an invoice) with a ‘amount owing’ on it? We paid up front. All goods and services are now lawfully ours just for the asking.
1. Full Disclosure (we are not told that we are creating the credit with our signature);
2. Equal Consideration (they bring nothing to the table, hence they have nothing to lose);
3. Lawful Terms and Conditions (they are based upon fraud); and
4. Signatures of the Parties / Meeting of the Minds (corporations cannot sign because they have no right, or mind, to contract as they are legal FICTIONS)
"The actual process of money creation takes place primarily in banks ... bankers discovered that they could make loans merely by giving their promise to pay (the fractional reserve system), or 'bank notes', to borrowers. In this way banks began to CREATE money. Transaction deposits are the modern counterpart of bank notes. It was a small step from printing notes to making book entries crediting deposits of borrowers, which the borrowers in turn could 'spend' by writing checks, thereby 'printing' their own money."
'Real' money does not exist anymore; for money to be 'real' it must be based upon substance i.e. gold, silver, etc. What we think of as 'real' money is only borrowed into existence; it doen't exist until someone borrows it. If in this debt-based economy all that exists is the money that is borrowed, then where is the 'interest'? It doesn't exist. Because the supply of our conceptual dollar must constantly increase to attempt to fill in the hole that 'interest' creates, The value of what we call our 'intrinsic wealth' must become devalued and this is why we have inflation. The currency we use is based upon our FUTURE labour which the money issuer has promised to the banksters. It also does not yet exist. Future generations are already enslaved to pay debt which does not exist. Plus how can we pay debt with something of no substance value?
What if you found out that everything you ever needed or wanted was already paid for? - that you didn't OWE anyone anything? When you go into a store to buy a book and you pay in whatever manner you choose, what do you get for the payment? No, not the book; you get a receipt. The evidence for this is that the dollar amount on the receipt matches precisely the dollar amount on your payment. It is an exact exchange. The book is not even part of the equation. It was pre-paid; all you did was go to the store to claim and retrieve it. In order to understand the concept of ‘pre-paid’, imagine this:
Suppose you want to open a restaurant and you just need another $10,000 and so you ask a friend to lend it to you. Knowing that there is no money and the currency your friend has is essentially worthless compared to what he truly wants in his life, he sure wouldn’t mind lending it to you. So after a couple of months you ashamedly go to him and say that there is no way you can ever pay him back, what with interest and all, yet you are so ingratiated to him you tell him that he can eat in your restaurant any time he wants – for free. Not only that but also you would be so grateful if he would because, alas, it would assuage your guilt. All he is required to do when the waiter presents him with an itemization of his meal is to sign it; he is not required to pay for his meal – its ‘prepaid’.
In the same way, our bills are already paid and, in fact, the corporate entity which is billing us would be only too grateful if we would take advantage of our having prepaid them because then they wouldn’t have to pay the tax on the money we send them. So all that is required of us is to sign the invoice and return it to them. The telephone company is funded by the government; you and I, and everyone who has a birth certificate or socialist number have funded the government. So, we have an ‘exemption’ the same way your friend is exempted from paying for his meals at your restaurant. Why is the telephone company sending us a statement (not an invoice) with a ‘amount owing’ on it? We paid up front. All goods and services are now lawfully ours just for the asking.
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Wu Wei
One is by nature neither good nor evil. Selfish, non-contrived action is what makes one good or evil. Both "good" and "evil" are but CONCEPTS; a concept, not an objective. If one is naturally good, then he or she must also be naturally evil. If good exists then too must evil; they arise mutually through relative distinctions that we create. Good is no "better" than evil, and so is evil no "better" than good.
Happiness is a state of mind that we experience from time to time; it is an integral part of certain situations, such as being with a friend or eating a good dinner. To mentally abstract this condition of happiness, as if it were something in itself, and then make it an object of desire is a fatal mistake. BUT THAT'S WHAT WE HUMANS DO ALL THE TIME. "Happiness" thus becomes an external object, as it were - somethjing to be attained - just as "unhappiness" is a thing to be avoided.
The problem with seeking to be the prefect, ideal person is in the very seeking itself. One can only seek that which is external to oneself. Fullfillment in life is not to be found by SEEKING it or trying to GRASP it. The result of an ongoing effort to control one's environment is ultimately DOOMED to failure. The effort to grasp and control life creates a kind of bondage to one's concepts of what the "good" is, and the desire to achieve it. Fulfillment is to be found, not through seeking it, but through NOT-SEEKING, through letting go of the SELF (ego) altogether. Only by letting go of our precious, but fake/phony, conceptual world do we discover real freedom.
All of us acquire a set of values as we grow up. Ordinarily, these are the "conventional values" of the society in which we live, values that were first taught to us when we were children. Having such values seems to be an important part of a successful life; our values shape our goals. HOWEVER, these are CONCEPTS only; they have no corresponding reality in nature. What is bad is only bad because we recognize it as such. Something is "bad" and therefore makes us unhappy not because it really is bad in some objective sense, but rather because we have decided that it is bad.
If, at some deep level, we decide that having lots of money is good, then it must follow that having very little money is bad. Of course, neither one is objectively good or bad (nothing is objectively good or bad!). But once the decision is made and the concept is formed, it follows that we will SEEK to achieve the concpetual reality that WE have defined as "good" and thus, hopefully, be happy.
Ills are only ills because one recognizes them as such. If one would once forsake his or her habit of labeling things good or bad, desireable or undesirerable, then the SELF-MADE ills would disappear and no longer be seen as ills.
Not attempting to control one's world, one can relax and allow himself or herself to be a FREE and spontaneous EXPRESSION of the movement of the natural world. In doing this, one will intuitively come to see the magnificent unity of nature. "Things" have no independent existence or meaning, including the "thing" I call "myself".
There is no special relationship between person and nature. We have to liberate ourselves from the self imposed isolation of being some kind of god-like VISITOR in the universe, surrounded by the natural world, and essentially not part of it. In freeing oneself, one doesn't have to prove anything. One is free to live simply and modestly and has nothing more to prove than does the grass. Each is splendid just as it is.
Inspired by one's vision of the unity of nature, one is thus free to live as a natural human being. Nature is so beautifully regulated, that once in accord with it, essentially one doesn't have to do anything, in the sense of pushing it around. Just go with it, like the grass grows. Of course, the nature of grass is very different from the nature of human beings, and therefore this "non-action" is expressed differently in human beings.
The movement of water reveals the way of nature. Water is powerful, yet it is also the most yielding thing in nature. Water is a wonderful example of "non-action". It flows and accomplishes all within it's very nature yet ultimately does not ACT.
Happiness is a state of mind that we experience from time to time; it is an integral part of certain situations, such as being with a friend or eating a good dinner. To mentally abstract this condition of happiness, as if it were something in itself, and then make it an object of desire is a fatal mistake. BUT THAT'S WHAT WE HUMANS DO ALL THE TIME. "Happiness" thus becomes an external object, as it were - somethjing to be attained - just as "unhappiness" is a thing to be avoided.
The problem with seeking to be the prefect, ideal person is in the very seeking itself. One can only seek that which is external to oneself. Fullfillment in life is not to be found by SEEKING it or trying to GRASP it. The result of an ongoing effort to control one's environment is ultimately DOOMED to failure. The effort to grasp and control life creates a kind of bondage to one's concepts of what the "good" is, and the desire to achieve it. Fulfillment is to be found, not through seeking it, but through NOT-SEEKING, through letting go of the SELF (ego) altogether. Only by letting go of our precious, but fake/phony, conceptual world do we discover real freedom.
All of us acquire a set of values as we grow up. Ordinarily, these are the "conventional values" of the society in which we live, values that were first taught to us when we were children. Having such values seems to be an important part of a successful life; our values shape our goals. HOWEVER, these are CONCEPTS only; they have no corresponding reality in nature. What is bad is only bad because we recognize it as such. Something is "bad" and therefore makes us unhappy not because it really is bad in some objective sense, but rather because we have decided that it is bad.
If, at some deep level, we decide that having lots of money is good, then it must follow that having very little money is bad. Of course, neither one is objectively good or bad (nothing is objectively good or bad!). But once the decision is made and the concept is formed, it follows that we will SEEK to achieve the concpetual reality that WE have defined as "good" and thus, hopefully, be happy.
Ills are only ills because one recognizes them as such. If one would once forsake his or her habit of labeling things good or bad, desireable or undesirerable, then the SELF-MADE ills would disappear and no longer be seen as ills.
Not attempting to control one's world, one can relax and allow himself or herself to be a FREE and spontaneous EXPRESSION of the movement of the natural world. In doing this, one will intuitively come to see the magnificent unity of nature. "Things" have no independent existence or meaning, including the "thing" I call "myself".
There is no special relationship between person and nature. We have to liberate ourselves from the self imposed isolation of being some kind of god-like VISITOR in the universe, surrounded by the natural world, and essentially not part of it. In freeing oneself, one doesn't have to prove anything. One is free to live simply and modestly and has nothing more to prove than does the grass. Each is splendid just as it is.
Inspired by one's vision of the unity of nature, one is thus free to live as a natural human being. Nature is so beautifully regulated, that once in accord with it, essentially one doesn't have to do anything, in the sense of pushing it around. Just go with it, like the grass grows. Of course, the nature of grass is very different from the nature of human beings, and therefore this "non-action" is expressed differently in human beings.
The movement of water reveals the way of nature. Water is powerful, yet it is also the most yielding thing in nature. Water is a wonderful example of "non-action". It flows and accomplishes all within it's very nature yet ultimately does not ACT.
Wu Wei
Thursday, February 4, 2010
Friday, January 22, 2010
Wish To Be A Sovereign Freeman? Here You Go, Send This To Your Government.
Whereas I understand The Children and Family and Community Services Act defines a child as a ‘person’ and not a ‘human being’, and,
Whereas I understand we create a ‘person’ and associate that ‘person’ with our offspring when we register our offspring, and,
Whereas I understand Black’s Law dictionary states, “a human being is not a person because they are a human being, but rather because rights and duties have been ascribed to them. Specifically the person is the legal subject or substance of which rights and duties are attributes”, and,
Whereas I understand as parents we can distinguish our offspring from it’s ‘person’, and disassociate our offspring from it’s ‘person’, and,
Whereas I understand the law allows me to use potentially lethal force to protect my offspring from abduction, even from an Agent of the State who is acting under the colour of law, and,
Whereas you understand I will disassociate my offspring from it’s ‘person’ and use potentially lethal force to protect them if any government agents apprehend them for any reason,
Be it known to any and all parties that I, [Your Name] do hereby clearly, unequivocally and specifically state my intent to disassociate my future offspring from its ‘person’ and use potentially lethal force to protect them if any agent for any government ministry attempts to remove, seize or apprehend them for any reason.
Whereas it is my understanding that all Acts are statutes, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act is a statute, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that the only form of government recognized as lawful in this Common Law jurisdiction is a representative type, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that representation requires mutual consent, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that if I do not consent to representation, then I do not have a government and I am not a member of the society governed by the Acts and subsisting regulations, orders and bylaws, and,
Whereas I do not consent to representation, and,
Whereas I understand statutes do not have the force of law over those who have not consented to be governed, and,
Whereas I understand that a principal has a duty to ensure that the people acting as their agents understand the source, nature and limits of the authority in their mandates, and,
Whereas I understand I give up certain benefits and legal rights by existing outside of society, and,
Whereas I understand I recapture all Common Law rights by existing outside of society,
Whereas it is my understanding Canada is a common law jurisdiction, and,
Whereas it is my understanding equality before the law is paramount and mandatory, and,
Whereas it is my understanding a statute is defined as a legislated rule of society which has been given the force of law, and,
Whereas it is my understanding Section 32 of the Constitution Act limits it to members and employees of government, and,
Whereas it is my understanding those who have a SIN (Social Insurance Number) are in fact employees of the federal government and thus are bound by the statutes created by the federal government, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that it is lawful to abandon one’s SIN, and,
Whereas it is my understanding people in Canada have a right to revoke or deny consent to be represented and thus governed, and,
Whereas it is my understanding if anyone does revoke or deny consent they exist free of government control and statutory restraints, and,
Whereas a Freeman-on-the-Land has lawfully revoked consent and does exist free of statutory restrictions, obligations, and limitations, and,
Whereas I, [Your Name] am a Freeman-on-the-Land, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that acting peacefully within community standards does not breach the peace, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that any action for which one can apply for and receive a license must itself be a fundamentally lawful action, and,
Whereas as I am a Freeman-on-the-Land who operates with full responsibility and not a child, I do not see the need to ask permission to engage in lawful and peaceful activities, especially from those who claim limited liability, and,
Whereas it is my understanding a by-law is defined as a rule of a corporation, and,
Whereas it is my understanding corporations are legal fictions and require contracts in order to claim authority or control over other parties, and,
Whereas it is my understanding legal fictions lack a soul and cannot exert any control over those who are thus blessed and operate with respect to that knowledge as only a fool would allow soulless fictions to dictate ones actions, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that I have a right to use my property without having to pay for the use or enjoyment of it, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that Sky Train is in fact an actuality public property to which I have the right of use and access, and,
Whereas I claim the right to collect a pension if I have paid into it and claim that said right is not affected if I abandon my Social Insurance Number, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that a summons is merely an invitation to attend and the ones issued by the British Columbia Securities Commission create no obligation or dishonor if ignored, and,
Whereas it is my understanding peace officers have a duty to distinguish between statutes and law and those who attempt to enforce statutes against a Freeman-on-the-Land are in fact breaking the law, and,
Whereas I have the power to refuse intercourse or interaction with peace officers who have not observed me breach the peace, and,
Whereas permanent estoppel by acquiescence barring any peace officer or prosecutor from bringing charges against a Freeman-on-the-Land under any Act is created if this claim is not responded to in the stated fashion and time,
Whereas having read Transit Conduct and Safety Regulations it is my understanding that the term “tariff” means the applicable fare structure
(a) set out in an annual operating agreement,
(b) established by a regional transit commission, or
(c) in the case of a commuter rail service, prescribed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council or set out in the operating agreement pertaining to the commuter rail service; and,
Whereas I have not agreed to an annual operating agreement, submitted to a regional transit commission nor consented to the Lieutenant Governor in Council prescribing on my behalf and therefore am not required by them or the tariff to pay a fare, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that the aforementioned tariff does not apply to me, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that Sky Train is PublicTransit and that I am a member of the Public, thus free to use Public Transit as it is my property. and,
Whereas I have found nothing in the aforementioned regulations empowering Sky Train Security to remove anyone for failure to present a proof of fare, and,
Whereas a valid Proof of Fare could be notice of my lawfully claimed status, and,
Whereas I am against TransLink Security removing people for failure to present proof of fare as it could endanger life, and,
Whereas not having Proof of Fare does not affect the safety, good order or convenience of other persons, and, BE it known to any and all, that I, [Your Name] do intend to exercise my right to ride SkyTrain without paying a fare.
Whereas there is an unidentified number on the back of my Birth Certificate, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that said number is a bond tracking number, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that the bond evidenced by that number generates revenue every year, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that the revenue generated forms part of the Federal Transfer payments sent to the provincial governments every year, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that the Minister of Finance ___ or the Receiver General ____ is standing as a Fiduciary Agent in Trust for me over my Bond and the revenue generated by it, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that I have the right to terminate the duties of my Fiduciary Agent if doing so is in my best interest, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that if and when I do terminate the duties of my Fiduciary agent any commercial instruments, documents or other paper which they presently hold in Trust for me, immediately reverts to my ownership, and,
Whereas I do hereby claim the Bond numbered ___ held in Trust by the Minister of Finance___ or the Receiver General ___, as the case may be, is mine, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that I have the right to a full accounting of that bond and account,
Therefore, be it known to any and all, that I do hereby;
a)Terminate the fiduciary responsibilities of the Federal Minister of Finance or the Receiver General as the case may be over my Bond, number # ____, and,
b)Demand under Section 337 of the Criminal Code of Canada that the bond document #__ be immediately turned over to me via secured registered mail in care of the address below, and,
c)Demand a full accounting by my ex-fiduciary of all monies ever collected or paid into or out of this account, who they were collected from and paid to, and under whose authority those transaction occurred, and,
Whereas I understand any dishonour will result in an immediate summary judgment ordering the release of my Bond to me and the seizure for abandonment of the performance Bond of the Fiduciary, and Failure to do as ordered may also result in criminal charges for nonfeasance, malfeasance, breach of Trust, and for a contravention against section 337 of the Criminal Code of Canada.
Whereas I understand ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law, and
Where as it is my intent to download and upload digital media freely, and without limitation.
Whereas it is my intent to exercise my right to use marijuana for medical reasons, and,
Whereas it is my intent to exercise my right to grow marijuana for my personal use, and,
Whereas I desire to establish a legal foundation to exercise my right to possess, use, carry and otherwise enjoy marijuana and,
Whereas I understand that with the Notice I do hereby establish that legal right, and
Whereas I understand that by serving this instrument upon The Attourney General I am serving it upon all Peace Officers under his authority, and,
Whereas I understand that by serving it upon any Peace Officer I am also serving it upon the Attourney General, and,
Whereas the word ‘confiscate’ legally means ‘to remove without legal right’ and,
Whereas I understand Peace Officers who ‘confiscate’ my property are trained to use deadly force and are in fact stealing and acting under the colour of law, and
Whereas I understand such actions are unlawful and against both the Common Law and Commercial Law, and,
Whereas I understand that those Officers who steal my property can be sued for gross negligence, theft, and other indictable offenses, and
Therefore be it now known to any and all concerned and affected parties, that I, [Your Name] a Freeman-on-the-Land do hereby state clearly specifically and unequivocally my intent to peacefully and lawfully exist free of all statutory obligations restrictions and maintain all rights at law to trade, exchange or barter .
Furthermore, I claim that these actions are not outside my communities’ standards and will in fact support said community in our desire for truth and maximum freedom.
Furthermore, I claim the right to engage in these actions and further claim that all property held by me is held under a claim of right as mentioned in the Criminal Code of Canada.
Furthermore, I claim that anyone who interferes with my lawful activities after having been served notice of this claim and who fails to properly dispute or make lawful counterclaim is breaking the law, cannot claim good faith or colour of right and that such transgressions will be dealt with in a properly convened court de jure.
Furthermore, I claim that the courts in British Columbia are de-facto and bound by the Law and Equity Act and are in fact in the profitable business of conducting, witnessing and facilitating the transactions of security interests and I further claim they require the consent of both parties prior to providing any such services.
Furthermore, I claim all transactions of security interests require the consent of both parties and I do hereby deny consent to any transaction of a security interest issuing under any Act for as herein stated as a Freeman-on-the-Land I am not subject to any Act.
Furthermore, I claim my FEE SCHEDULE for any transgressions by peace officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants is TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS PER HOUR or portion thereof if being questioned, interrogated or in any way detained, harassed or otherwise regulated and TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS PER HOUR or portion thereof if I am handcuffed, transported, incarcerated or subjected to any adjudication process without my express written and Notarized consent.
Furthermore, I claim the right to use a Notary Public to secure payment of the aforementioned FEE SCHEDULE against any transgressors who by their actions or omissions harm me or my interests, directly or by proxy in any way.
Furthermore, I claim the right to convene a proper court de jure in order to address any potentially criminal actions of any peace officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants who having been served notice of this claim fail to dispute or discuss or make lawful counterclaim and then interfere by act or omission with the lawful exercise of properly claimed and established rights and freedoms.
Furthermore, I claim the law of agent and principal applies and that service upon one is service upon both.
Furthermore, I claim the right to deal with any counterclaims or disputes publicly and in an open forum using discussion and negotiation and to capture on video tape said discussion and negotiation for whatever lawful purpose as I see fit.
Furthermore, I claim the right to an education.
Furthermore, I claim the right to use the funds either in my bond (evidenced by the bond tracking number on the Birth Certificate issued to me by the government) or to use the funds generated by the bond to either pay off any student loan if I do have one, or to pay directly for my education if I do not have a loan.
Furthermore, I claim the right to use the funds in the bond or revenue generated by those funds to pay for food and shelter and any other rights recognized by the United Nations.
Furthermore, I claim the right to fire any one acting as a fiduciary over my bond if they fail to acknowledge all rights herein claimed.
Furthermore, I claim the right to revoke or deny consent to be represented and in doing so free myself from all statutory obligations and restrictions, if doing so is, in my opinion, in my best interest.
Furthermore, I claim the right to direct my fiduciary as to what to do with the revenue generated by my bond, provided the directives are a benefit to my society and me.
Furthermore, I claim the right to order and direct my federal representatives to transfer directly to me funds and moneys which they would normally transfer to my provincial representatives in the absence of any directives, if doing so is, in my opinion, in my best interest.
Affected parties wishing to dispute the claims made herein or make their own counterclaims must respond appropriately within TEN (10) days of service of notice of this action. Responses must be under Oath or attestation, upon full commercial liability and penalty of perjury and registered in the Notary Office herein provided no later than ten days from the date of original service as attested to by way of certificate of service.
Failure to register a dispute against the claims made herein will result in an automatic default judgment and permanent and irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence barring the bringing of charges under any statute or Act against My Self Freeman-on-the-Land
[signed, Your Name]
Place of claim of right: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Dated: ______
Claimant: ______
Notary Public: ____
Use of a Notary is for attestation and verification purposes only and does not constitute a change in status or entrance or acceptance of foreign jurisdiction.
Whereas I understand we create a ‘person’ and associate that ‘person’ with our offspring when we register our offspring, and,
Whereas I understand Black’s Law dictionary states, “a human being is not a person because they are a human being, but rather because rights and duties have been ascribed to them. Specifically the person is the legal subject or substance of which rights and duties are attributes”, and,
Whereas I understand as parents we can distinguish our offspring from it’s ‘person’, and disassociate our offspring from it’s ‘person’, and,
Whereas I understand the law allows me to use potentially lethal force to protect my offspring from abduction, even from an Agent of the State who is acting under the colour of law, and,
Whereas you understand I will disassociate my offspring from it’s ‘person’ and use potentially lethal force to protect them if any government agents apprehend them for any reason,
Be it known to any and all parties that I, [Your Name] do hereby clearly, unequivocally and specifically state my intent to disassociate my future offspring from its ‘person’ and use potentially lethal force to protect them if any agent for any government ministry attempts to remove, seize or apprehend them for any reason.
Whereas it is my understanding that all Acts are statutes, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that The Controlled Drugs and Substances Act is a statute, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that the only form of government recognized as lawful in this Common Law jurisdiction is a representative type, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that representation requires mutual consent, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that if I do not consent to representation, then I do not have a government and I am not a member of the society governed by the Acts and subsisting regulations, orders and bylaws, and,
Whereas I do not consent to representation, and,
Whereas I understand statutes do not have the force of law over those who have not consented to be governed, and,
Whereas I understand that a principal has a duty to ensure that the people acting as their agents understand the source, nature and limits of the authority in their mandates, and,
Whereas I understand I give up certain benefits and legal rights by existing outside of society, and,
Whereas I understand I recapture all Common Law rights by existing outside of society,
Whereas it is my understanding Canada is a common law jurisdiction, and,
Whereas it is my understanding equality before the law is paramount and mandatory, and,
Whereas it is my understanding a statute is defined as a legislated rule of society which has been given the force of law, and,
Whereas it is my understanding Section 32 of the Constitution Act limits it to members and employees of government, and,
Whereas it is my understanding those who have a SIN (Social Insurance Number) are in fact employees of the federal government and thus are bound by the statutes created by the federal government, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that it is lawful to abandon one’s SIN, and,
Whereas it is my understanding people in Canada have a right to revoke or deny consent to be represented and thus governed, and,
Whereas it is my understanding if anyone does revoke or deny consent they exist free of government control and statutory restraints, and,
Whereas a Freeman-on-the-Land has lawfully revoked consent and does exist free of statutory restrictions, obligations, and limitations, and,
Whereas I, [Your Name] am a Freeman-on-the-Land, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that acting peacefully within community standards does not breach the peace, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that any action for which one can apply for and receive a license must itself be a fundamentally lawful action, and,
Whereas as I am a Freeman-on-the-Land who operates with full responsibility and not a child, I do not see the need to ask permission to engage in lawful and peaceful activities, especially from those who claim limited liability, and,
Whereas it is my understanding a by-law is defined as a rule of a corporation, and,
Whereas it is my understanding corporations are legal fictions and require contracts in order to claim authority or control over other parties, and,
Whereas it is my understanding legal fictions lack a soul and cannot exert any control over those who are thus blessed and operate with respect to that knowledge as only a fool would allow soulless fictions to dictate ones actions, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that I have a right to use my property without having to pay for the use or enjoyment of it, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that Sky Train is in fact an actuality public property to which I have the right of use and access, and,
Whereas I claim the right to collect a pension if I have paid into it and claim that said right is not affected if I abandon my Social Insurance Number, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that a summons is merely an invitation to attend and the ones issued by the British Columbia Securities Commission create no obligation or dishonor if ignored, and,
Whereas it is my understanding peace officers have a duty to distinguish between statutes and law and those who attempt to enforce statutes against a Freeman-on-the-Land are in fact breaking the law, and,
Whereas I have the power to refuse intercourse or interaction with peace officers who have not observed me breach the peace, and,
Whereas permanent estoppel by acquiescence barring any peace officer or prosecutor from bringing charges against a Freeman-on-the-Land under any Act is created if this claim is not responded to in the stated fashion and time,
Whereas having read Transit Conduct and Safety Regulations it is my understanding that the term “tariff” means the applicable fare structure
(a) set out in an annual operating agreement,
(b) established by a regional transit commission, or
(c) in the case of a commuter rail service, prescribed by the Lieutenant Governor in Council or set out in the operating agreement pertaining to the commuter rail service; and,
Whereas I have not agreed to an annual operating agreement, submitted to a regional transit commission nor consented to the Lieutenant Governor in Council prescribing on my behalf and therefore am not required by them or the tariff to pay a fare, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that the aforementioned tariff does not apply to me, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that Sky Train is PublicTransit and that I am a member of the Public, thus free to use Public Transit as it is my property. and,
Whereas I have found nothing in the aforementioned regulations empowering Sky Train Security to remove anyone for failure to present a proof of fare, and,
Whereas a valid Proof of Fare could be notice of my lawfully claimed status, and,
Whereas I am against TransLink Security removing people for failure to present proof of fare as it could endanger life, and,
Whereas not having Proof of Fare does not affect the safety, good order or convenience of other persons, and, BE it known to any and all, that I, [Your Name] do intend to exercise my right to ride SkyTrain without paying a fare.
Whereas there is an unidentified number on the back of my Birth Certificate, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that said number is a bond tracking number, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that the bond evidenced by that number generates revenue every year, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that the revenue generated forms part of the Federal Transfer payments sent to the provincial governments every year, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that the Minister of Finance ___ or the Receiver General ____ is standing as a Fiduciary Agent in Trust for me over my Bond and the revenue generated by it, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that I have the right to terminate the duties of my Fiduciary Agent if doing so is in my best interest, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that if and when I do terminate the duties of my Fiduciary agent any commercial instruments, documents or other paper which they presently hold in Trust for me, immediately reverts to my ownership, and,
Whereas I do hereby claim the Bond numbered ___ held in Trust by the Minister of Finance___ or the Receiver General ___, as the case may be, is mine, and,
Whereas it is my understanding that I have the right to a full accounting of that bond and account,
Therefore, be it known to any and all, that I do hereby;
a)Terminate the fiduciary responsibilities of the Federal Minister of Finance or the Receiver General as the case may be over my Bond, number # ____, and,
b)Demand under Section 337 of the Criminal Code of Canada that the bond document #__ be immediately turned over to me via secured registered mail in care of the address below, and,
c)Demand a full accounting by my ex-fiduciary of all monies ever collected or paid into or out of this account, who they were collected from and paid to, and under whose authority those transaction occurred, and,
Whereas I understand any dishonour will result in an immediate summary judgment ordering the release of my Bond to me and the seizure for abandonment of the performance Bond of the Fiduciary, and Failure to do as ordered may also result in criminal charges for nonfeasance, malfeasance, breach of Trust, and for a contravention against section 337 of the Criminal Code of Canada.
Whereas I understand ignorance of the law is no excuse for breaking the law, and
Where as it is my intent to download and upload digital media freely, and without limitation.
Whereas it is my intent to exercise my right to use marijuana for medical reasons, and,
Whereas it is my intent to exercise my right to grow marijuana for my personal use, and,
Whereas I desire to establish a legal foundation to exercise my right to possess, use, carry and otherwise enjoy marijuana and,
Whereas I understand that with the Notice I do hereby establish that legal right, and
Whereas I understand that by serving this instrument upon The Attourney General I am serving it upon all Peace Officers under his authority, and,
Whereas I understand that by serving it upon any Peace Officer I am also serving it upon the Attourney General, and,
Whereas the word ‘confiscate’ legally means ‘to remove without legal right’ and,
Whereas I understand Peace Officers who ‘confiscate’ my property are trained to use deadly force and are in fact stealing and acting under the colour of law, and
Whereas I understand such actions are unlawful and against both the Common Law and Commercial Law, and,
Whereas I understand that those Officers who steal my property can be sued for gross negligence, theft, and other indictable offenses, and
Therefore be it now known to any and all concerned and affected parties, that I, [Your Name] a Freeman-on-the-Land do hereby state clearly specifically and unequivocally my intent to peacefully and lawfully exist free of all statutory obligations restrictions and maintain all rights at law to trade, exchange or barter .
Furthermore, I claim that these actions are not outside my communities’ standards and will in fact support said community in our desire for truth and maximum freedom.
Furthermore, I claim the right to engage in these actions and further claim that all property held by me is held under a claim of right as mentioned in the Criminal Code of Canada.
Furthermore, I claim that anyone who interferes with my lawful activities after having been served notice of this claim and who fails to properly dispute or make lawful counterclaim is breaking the law, cannot claim good faith or colour of right and that such transgressions will be dealt with in a properly convened court de jure.
Furthermore, I claim that the courts in British Columbia are de-facto and bound by the Law and Equity Act and are in fact in the profitable business of conducting, witnessing and facilitating the transactions of security interests and I further claim they require the consent of both parties prior to providing any such services.
Furthermore, I claim all transactions of security interests require the consent of both parties and I do hereby deny consent to any transaction of a security interest issuing under any Act for as herein stated as a Freeman-on-the-Land I am not subject to any Act.
Furthermore, I claim my FEE SCHEDULE for any transgressions by peace officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants is TWO HUNDRED DOLLARS PER HOUR or portion thereof if being questioned, interrogated or in any way detained, harassed or otherwise regulated and TWO THOUSAND DOLLARS PER HOUR or portion thereof if I am handcuffed, transported, incarcerated or subjected to any adjudication process without my express written and Notarized consent.
Furthermore, I claim the right to use a Notary Public to secure payment of the aforementioned FEE SCHEDULE against any transgressors who by their actions or omissions harm me or my interests, directly or by proxy in any way.
Furthermore, I claim the right to convene a proper court de jure in order to address any potentially criminal actions of any peace officers, government principals or agents or justice system participants who having been served notice of this claim fail to dispute or discuss or make lawful counterclaim and then interfere by act or omission with the lawful exercise of properly claimed and established rights and freedoms.
Furthermore, I claim the law of agent and principal applies and that service upon one is service upon both.
Furthermore, I claim the right to deal with any counterclaims or disputes publicly and in an open forum using discussion and negotiation and to capture on video tape said discussion and negotiation for whatever lawful purpose as I see fit.
Furthermore, I claim the right to an education.
Furthermore, I claim the right to use the funds either in my bond (evidenced by the bond tracking number on the Birth Certificate issued to me by the government) or to use the funds generated by the bond to either pay off any student loan if I do have one, or to pay directly for my education if I do not have a loan.
Furthermore, I claim the right to use the funds in the bond or revenue generated by those funds to pay for food and shelter and any other rights recognized by the United Nations.
Furthermore, I claim the right to fire any one acting as a fiduciary over my bond if they fail to acknowledge all rights herein claimed.
Furthermore, I claim the right to revoke or deny consent to be represented and in doing so free myself from all statutory obligations and restrictions, if doing so is, in my opinion, in my best interest.
Furthermore, I claim the right to direct my fiduciary as to what to do with the revenue generated by my bond, provided the directives are a benefit to my society and me.
Furthermore, I claim the right to order and direct my federal representatives to transfer directly to me funds and moneys which they would normally transfer to my provincial representatives in the absence of any directives, if doing so is, in my opinion, in my best interest.
Affected parties wishing to dispute the claims made herein or make their own counterclaims must respond appropriately within TEN (10) days of service of notice of this action. Responses must be under Oath or attestation, upon full commercial liability and penalty of perjury and registered in the Notary Office herein provided no later than ten days from the date of original service as attested to by way of certificate of service.
Failure to register a dispute against the claims made herein will result in an automatic default judgment and permanent and irrevocable estoppel by acquiescence barring the bringing of charges under any statute or Act against My Self Freeman-on-the-Land
[signed, Your Name]
Place of claim of right: Victoria, British Columbia, Canada
Dated: ______
Claimant: ______
Notary Public: ____
Use of a Notary is for attestation and verification purposes only and does not constitute a change in status or entrance or acceptance of foreign jurisdiction.
Natural Person,
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